Experience the power of PSDocker: PowerShell and Docker, seamlessly combined for script automation using supervisord for a continuously running script 🚀 Looking to run your favorite PowerShell scripts seamlessly within Docker containers on a Linux kernel, not as Windows container? Want to be able to put a powershell script in a kubernetes cluster?
With 'PSDocker,' you can achieve continuous PowerShell automation, harnessing the flexibility and scalability of Docker. Whether it's scripting, testing, or automating tasks, you can do it! Supervisord ensures the script will run forever, or until you kill the container :)
Edit the Dockerfile lines:
# Install Powershell modules - Update these to your required modules e.g. AzureRM
RUN pwsh -Command "Install-Module -Name AzureRM -Force -Scope AllUsers"
# Install linux packages for system use e.g. nano
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y nano
You can add variables to the script.ps1 that you'd like to be passed through from your docker run command:
Script Variable Example:
$clientId = $env:CLIENT_ID
$clientSecret = $env:CLIENT_SECRET
$tenantId = $env:TENANT_ID
docker login
docker build .
docker tag <containernametotag:<tag> <dockerhubuser>/<containerregistryname>:<tag>
docker push <dockerhubuser>/containerregistryname>:<tag>
docker build psdocker .
docker tag psdocker:latest nickjongens/psdocker:latest
docker push nickjongens/psdocker:latest
You can then provide variables in your docker run command:
docker run -d \
--name <dockercontainername> \
-e CLIENT_ID=<your_client_id> \
-e CLIENT_SECRET=<your_client_secret> \
-e TENANT_ID=<your_tenant_id> \
There is also a docker-compose.yml file you can use to deploy the container with. You can deploy this by installing docker compose & running the container detached:
sudo apt-install docker-compose -y
sudo docker-compose up -d
Real-time Database Logger:
Keep a constant watch on your data and log updates to a database with ease. Monitor changes, events, or system activity and maintain a record in real-time using PowerShell and Docker synergy.
Log Analyser and Alert System:
Use 'PSDocker' to continuously analyse logs and take action when specific conditions are met. Receive alerts or perform actions based on log content, ensuring you stay on top of system health.
Custom IoT Data Collector:
Build a custom Internet of Things (IoT) data collector with 'PSDocker.' Gather sensor data, device stats, or environmental metrics and store them efficiently for analysis.
Health Check Service:
Create a continuous health check service for your applications or servers. Ensure your systems are always up and running by automating health checks and recovery procedures.