Step 1: Run “one_extract.m”
- Extract the correlation matrices of resting state fMRI from matlab data sets
- Save as a single matlab file, named “NEWdata.mat”
Step 2: Run “two_prepare.m”
- Organize the correlation matrices based on anomic and Broca’s group information
- Normalize the correlation matrices by Fisher z-transformation
- Save normalized correlation matrices after organization as a matlab file, named “'corr_Z.mat'”
- *optional: non-normalized correlation matrices are saved as “corr.mat”
Step 3: Run NBS GUI NOTE: corr_Z.mat and design matrix should be stored in their own folder - NBS doesn't like when other files are in the directory
- Select design matrix and normalized correlation matrices, specify GLM
- T-test, 5000 perms, NBS correction
- Use COG and labels .txt files
- Save results
- ALTERNATE: use custom scripts in three_analysis.m if other FWER corrections are desired
Step 4: For data visualization, I am using BrainNet Viewer ( for visualizing results. If you have any other preferences, feel free to use it.
- Go to folder “Visualization”
- Use “Make_files_copy.R” file to generate edge/node input for BrainNetViewer
- Use “Make_file_ttest.R” file to group edges regarding associated t-test statistics
Step 5: Complex Network measures
- Use “edge.txt” (a binary network generated from identified subnetwork) in the previous step as an input
- Run “four_complex_measures.m” for analysis and visualization of complex network measures