If you like or use this project then observe the following :
- I would like to know if people use it - this makes it more likely I will do additional coding.
- If you feel this have any value for you then feel free to donate me something from below :
- EnOcean Co2 sensor : http://pressacdirect.com/shop/building-sensors/enocean-co2-sensor/ (868MHz)
- Other EnOcean devices (868MHz) temp, humidity, pir, switches or something else.
- Home Automation hardware like zwave etc.
- Or you can write to me if you would donate something else like money/hardware/interesting stuff
- If you have any suggestions or patches for improvement the please add an issue in the github or write to me.
I can be contacted by email at nicolai at npossible.net
You can also try to catch me on IRC freenode / ##zwave - look for CyberDuck