*Project details here
Quick guide on how to get the backend started up and running
- Make sure you are in backend folder and start virtual environment
cd backend #change directory
- Create a new conda environment with required packages:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
# This creates a new environment named lecsum
# Activate this environment
conda activate lecsum
- Download tokenizer and tagger from nltk_data directory
python -c "import nltk; nltk.download('punkt'); nltk.download('averaged_perceptron_tagger')"
- Finally Start the backend
# Running server in: http://localhost:3001 python manage.py runserver 3001
- If you get " module not found" error, then try doing the below
pip install <some> # put in the modeule name in <some> GL
Quick guide on how to get the FrontEnd started up and running
- Make sure you are in frontend folder
cd frontend
- Install NPM in terminal
npm install
- Start NPM in terminal
npm start