Community Edition of coreERP
This is the community edition of coreERP. It is a free to use edition with support only on community forum.
This is a quick setup guide to install and setup coreERP. The following dependencies are required on the linux box or a docker instance of linux. Current list of commands mentioned, have been tested on Ubuntu 18.04. If you plan to use any other distribution, the paths or commands may change accordingly.
- Postgresql Server 12. (detailed instructions at
- Apache2 (proxy_fcgi, mpm_event are optional) (detailed instructions at
- PHP 7.3 ::
$ sudo apt-get install php7.3 php7.3-fpm php7.3-mbstring php7.3-xml php7.3-pgsql
- Java 1.8 (required for rendering reports) ::
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless
- Liberation Fonts ::
$ sudo apt-get install fonts-liberation2
- coreERP-vendor ( Create symbolic link to the vendor folder in coreERP-ce.
- coreERP-rsv ( This is an optional repo. You may download only the release tar.gz for rendering reports. Follow instructions in README to complete report server installation.
- Create a link in /var/www/html to the coreERP-ce/web folder and publish it as core-erp (or any name of your preference).
- Make the following folders writable
- runtime
- web/assets
- Create cwfconfig.php. Refer
- Create initial database. Refer
If everything went off successfully, you should be able to open coreERP login screen using the following link: http://localhost/core-erp
Proceed to the topic Getting Started (