Base project for Salesforce with Angular 1.x (with Angular 2 style). This project is split between Local module (AngularBase) and Salesforce module (SFBase).
In the Local module, we implement the angular project side with mock responses from Salesforce.
In the Salesforce module, we implement the services (using remote functions) and the templates (html files) for each Angular component using Visualforce component which identify by angular in the following way:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="template_name.html">
templateUrl: 'template_name.html'
Install the Node Modules using npm, or download the files directly from the 'SFAngularBase/AngularBase/node_modules/' folder in the repo.
npm install
Run Webpack in order to bundle the files using the following command:
npm run watch
- Handle errors from server