For this peoject we used one of the simplest web-framework named Flask.
Flask comes with a built-in development server and a degebugger, HTTP request handling, very flexible with the use of plugins and libraries and so on.Hence it was opted for.
Before you start clonng the project, they are a couple of modules that are imported in the project and we need ensure that they are installed in our system as well which will be done by using the following commands on cmd:
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib
pip install openxyl
To get this project up and running please do the following:
- In you local repo or workspace please open powershell or gitbash
- from that dir run git clone i.e can also copy this url from the projects repo in github
- cd tentpole-datascieences directory
- run python ""
- The project will now be ruuning on
- Enter all the required fields in the browser and hit a submit button
- Your visual representationw will pop up on a different window
- and that's it, done and dusted.