- Execute
mvn clean package
- Then
java -jar 'deposit-management-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar'
- Locate http://localhost:8080/ for project main page.
- In order to compile project from IDEA, please install Lombok plugin.
- Execute DmRunner's main method in order to start application.
- Locate http://localhost:8080/ for project main page.
When application has been started, you can observe in logs something like this:
: Started DmRunner in 9.045 seconds (JVM running for 9.71)
- Java8 - I use v 1.8.0_40
- Based on spring-boot v 1.3.2
- Spring framework v 4.2.4
- Hibernate v 4.3.11
- Embedded tomcat v 8.0.30
- In-memory rational db h2 v 1.4
- Thymeleaf template engine, bootstrap3 and jquery
- and so on
- DmRunner - application launcher
- data.sql - initial database data
- application.properties - default project settings
- ru.spb.yarish.dm.config - spring contexts
- resources/templates/layout.html - base template
See removeStaleTransactions at TransactionService