Open Drone Open-source Project
We here at OpenDrone love Open Source and Drones. So why not combine them?
So this is an open source project for a self-flying and navigating drone.
We also got an Open-source Frame Created with ❤️ by our 3D Printer
Used technologies:
- Android - Our App runs on Android
- C++ - Our flight controller runs on C++
- Raspberry Pi - The brain of the drone
- Visual Studio
- Visual C++ for Linux Development
- Android Studio 3.3
- Configure Drone ✔
- Create/Modify Flightplans ✔
- GUI for Manual Flight ✔
- Communtication ✔
- Rotors rotating round and round ✔
- Reading Sensors ✔
- Filtering sensor values ✔
- PID Controller ⏳
- Ptch / Roll ✔
- Yaw ⏳
- Hight ⏳
- Position ⏳
- Communtication ✔ works but we might change the protocoll
- Fly it to the moon and back ⏳
- BMI088 ⏳
- BNO080/85 ✔
- MPU6050 ✔
- BMF055 ⏳
- HMC5883L ⏳
- BMF055 ⏳
- BNO080/85 ✔
- BMM150 ⏳
- BMP180 ✔
- BMP280 ✔
- BMP388 ⏳
- BN-880 ⏳
- HC-SR04 ✔
- Android 6.0
- WiFi
- We are also working on a Cross Platform App, stay tuned
- Raspberry Pi 3B or better
- Gyro, Accelerometer
- Magnetometer
- Barometer
- GPS only Auto. Flight
- Motors