released this
27 Mar 18:04
What's Changed
add plugin path separator on OSX too
Animation - correctly compute time index when time == end
apply cosmetic changes suggested by PVS-Studio
fix bugs detected by PVS-Studio
move shadow material initialisation to ShadowRenderer
SkyBox - construct box using a triangle strip
TextureUnitState - assert that sampler is valid
Root - allow calling openFileStream without a Root instance
InstanceBatchHW_VTF - assert that maxUsableWidth is correct
Dependencies: fix assimp in debug builds
Dependencies - use CONFIG mode for Qt according to CMP0086
set CMP0086 to NEW, as we dont rely on that
fix exported OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR
normal_map - verify that referenced sampler exists & update docs
Delete default program processors
GL: allow geometry shaders via GL3.2 instead of EXT_geometry_shader4
Csharp: check for compiler presence on Linux
fix typos and merge text
LiSPSM - properly reference the papers
fix samples not loading on OSX
OpenCV - fix background being drawn on top
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