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Ivan S Glazunov edited this page Jan 22, 2015
1 revision
OSWS Templates
version: 0.0.1-0.0.2 beta
npm install osws-templates
You can use this paths on server:
- module
/// <reference path="node_modules/osws-templates/templates.d.ts" />
import Templates = require('osws-templates');
var Templates = require('osws-templates');
You can use this paths on client:
- file
define('osws-templates', function(Templates) {});
with(Templates.tags) {
img({src: 'http://google.com/images/logo.png'})
).render(function(error, result) {
// <div class="my-super-class container"><a href="http://google.com/"><img src="http://google.com/images/logo.png"/></a></div>
with(Templates.tags) {
var buka = div('.my-super-class#buka')().extend(function(parent) {
this.constructor = function() {
parent.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
// arguments[0] == this.arguments // '.info'
img({src: 'http://google.com/images/logo.png'})
var template = buka('.info')();
template.render(function(error, result) {
// <div id="buka" class="my-super-class info"><a href="http://google.com/"><img src="http://google.com/images/logo.png"/></a></div>
with(Templates.tags) {
var buka = div('.my-super-class#buka')(
img({src: 'http://google.com/images/logo.png'})
var template = buka('.info')();
template.render(function(error, result) {
// <div id="buka" class="my-super-class info"><a href="http://google.com/"><img src="http://google.com/images/logo.png"/></a></div>
Templates.doctypes.html().render(console.log); // <!DOCTYPE html>
| // Is not intended for final use! Only for core.
| // This is the first and the last object that is created manually with `new`
| // All of its expansion can be called without `new`
+-- Prototype: new () => instance: Prototype
| |
| +-- parent: Prototype
| +-- extend(injector: (parent: Prototype).call(instance: Prototype) => void) => instance: Prototype
| |
| | // `injector` is not equal to `constructor`. `constructor` inherited, `injector` no.
| | // The `constructor` and other class options are overridden in the `injector`.
| +-- returner: ().call(instance: Prototype) => any
| | // For internal use only.
| | // // Can be overridden!
| |
| | // Inherited option causes each extension?
| +-- constructor: ().call(instance: Prototype) => any
| | // For internal use only.
| | // Can be overridden!
| |
| | // Personal for each element Renderer.Queue
| +-- queue: Renderer.Queue
| | // Can be overridden!
| | // Override in `constructor`.
| | // Nice Renderer.Queue .renderAsync wrapper.
| +-- render: (callback: IAsyncCallback) => void
| | // Can be overridden!
| | // Override in `constructor`.
| // Control flow of renderer queues
+-- Flow: [new] () => instance: Prototype
| | |
| | | // Flow contents
| | +-- contents: Renderer.Queue[]
| | |
| | | // Add contents flow to element queue
| | +-- generator: () => void
| | | // Override in `constructor`.
| | | // Can be overridden!
| | |
| | | // Add content into tag before exists content
| | +-- before: (...arguments: Array<selector:string|Prototype|Renderer.Queue|ISyncCallback|IAsyncCallback>) => instance: rototype
| | | // Override in `constructor`.
| | | // Can be overridden!
| | |
| | | // Add content into tag after exists content
| | +-- content: (...arguments: Array<selector:string|Prototype|Renderer.Queue|ISyncCallback|IAsyncCallback>) => instance: rototype
| | | // Override in `constructor`.
| | | // Can be overridden!
| | |
| | | // Equal to content
| | +-- after: (...arguments: Array<selector:string|Prototype|Renderer.Queue|ISyncCallback|IAsyncCallback>) => instance: rototype
| | | // Override in `constructor`.
| | | // Can be overridden!
| | |
| | | // extend the one-time inheritance
| | +-- inherit: () => constructor: Prototype
| | | // Override in `constructor`.
| | | // Can be overridden!
| |
| +-- content: [new] (...arguments: Array<selector:string|Prototype|Renderer.Queue|ISyncCallback|IAsyncCallback>) => instance: rototype
| // Tools for generatin double or single structures.
| // Not ready for manual use! Only inheritance.
+-- Tag: [new] ([selector: string], [attributes: [name: string]: string]) => instance: Prototype
| |
| +-- parseSelectors: ([selector: string]) => void
| | // name priority: parent.name > instance.name > selector
| | // id priority: attributes > parent.attributes.id > instance.attributes.id > selector
| | // class prioryty: instance.attributes.class + parent.attributes.class + selector
| | // attributes priority: attributes > parent.attributes
| |
| +-- parseAttributes: ([attributes: [name: string]: string]) => void
| | // attributes priority: attributes > parent.attributes
| |
| | // Generate single/first double open tag quote
| +-- _singleOpen: () => string
| | // Override in `constructor`.
| | // Can be overridden!
| |
| | // Generate second double open tag quote
| +-- _doubleOpen: () => string
| | // Override in `constructor`.
| | // Can be overridden!
| |
| | // Generate close single tag quote
| +-- _singleClose: () => string
| | // Override in `constructor`.
| | // Can be overridden!
| |
| | // Generate close double tag quote
| +-- _doubleClose: () => string
| | // Override in `constructor`.
| | // Can be overridden!
| |
| | // Generate tag attributes
| +-- _attr: () => string
| | // Override in `constructor`.
| | // Can be overridden!
| // Tool for single tags generating.
+-- Single: [new] ([selector: string], [attributes: [name: string]: string]) => instance: Prototype
| |
| | // Generate single tag structore from `_singleClose` `name` and `_close` options
| +-- generator: () => void
| | // Override in `constructor`.
| | // Can be overridden!
| |
| | // Clear double tag variables inheritance.
| |
| +-- before = undefined
| +-- content = undefined
| +-- after = undefined
+-- single: [name: string]: Single;
| // tags: `br` `hr` `img` `input` `base` `frame` `link` `meta`
| // Tool for double tags generating.
+-- Double: [new] ([selector: string], [attributes: [name: string]: string]) => instance.content
| |
| | // Double tag returns content method when creates
| +-- returner: () => instance.content
| // Override in `constructor`.
| // Can be overridden!
+-- double: [name: string]: Double;
| // tags: `html` `body` `h1` `h2` `h3` `h4` `h5` `h6` `hgroup` `div` `p` `address` `blockquote` `pre` `ul` `ol` `li` `dl` `dt` `dd` `fieldset` `legend` `form` `noscript` `object` `table` `thead` `tbody` `tfoot` `tr` `td` `th` `col` `colgroup` `caption` `span` `b` `big` `strong` `i` `var` `cite` `em` `q` `del` `s` `strike` `tt` `code` `kbd` `samp` `small` `sub` `sup` `dfn` `bdo` `abbr` `acronym` `a` `button` `textarea` `select` `option` `article` `aside` `figcaption` `figure` `footer` `header` `section` `main` `nav` `menu` `audio` `video` `embed` `canvas` `output` `details` `summary` `mark` `meter` `progress` `template` `comment`
+-- tags: [name: string]: Single|Double;
| // Tool for doctypes generating.
+-- Doctype: [new] ([selector: string], [attributes: [name: string]: string]) => instance: Prototype
+-- doctypes: [name: string]: Doctype;
// doctypes: `html` `xml` `transitional` `strict` `frameset` `basic` `mobile`
- TData: Renderer|sync|async|Mixin
- TCallback: (error, result) => void
- TSelector: string
- TInjector: () => void
- TAttributes: [name: string]: TData
- TContext: TData
var T = require('oswst');
define(['oswst'], function(T) {});
var T = window.oswst(_, async);
- .compile
- .include
- .render
- .renderContext
- .renderAttributes
- .renderSelector
- .sync
- .isSyncFunction
- .async
- .isAsyncFunction
- .Prototype()
- .Renderer > .Prototype
- .Data > .Renderer
- .data > .Data
- .Tag > .data
- .Single > .Tag
- .singles[string]
- .Double > .Tag
- .doubles[string]
- .Doctype > .Tag
- .doctypes[string]
- .xml > .Tag
- .Mixin > .Data
- .mixin > .Mixin
- .mixins[string]
- .Module > .Renderer
- .with