DBC Phase 2 Assessment Study Guide and Blank Forms/App Skeletons
User Login and Authentication: BCrypt User Model and Migrations, Environment and Gemfile Requirements, Login HTML Form and Routes, Sessions Enabled/Requirements
Associations: Rules and Examples
CRUD & Restful Routes: Rules, Examples, Seeds, and a Blank Framework
Partials: Example including HTML/JQuery/Routes from Survey Challenge
JavaScript: Object Oriented and Object Literal examples with spec JavaScript Syntax Hints Documentation: http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/2234/2287950/javascript_refererence.pdf
CSS: Styling, Selectors, Tabs, Floats, HTML Radio Button Example
JQuery: Basic Rules and Examples
AJAX: https://github.com/bison-2014/behavior-drill-tabbed-interface-challenge https://github.com/bison-2014/ajaxifying-hacker-news-challenge