Contracts to emulate XRPL objects on EVM chain
pip install vyper==0.3.8
vyper file-name.vy
generate bytecode
vyper -f bytecode file-name.vy > file-name.bin
generate abi
vyper -f abi file-name.vy > file-name.abi
Code found in this repo was written and tested to compile for vyper version 0.3.7, compiling with earlier versions of vyper may result in errors or warning messages.
Written to emulate XRPL objects such as Escrows
, Payment Channels
, Checks
, etc on XRP sidechains or any other EVM chain. I didnt see any need to copy XRP's token format on an EVM chain.
Although there are slight differences in the parameters it still delivers the same results as their XRP counterparts. Currently the contracts only support the native coin of the network they can be modified if a need present itself.
There are alot params XRPL objects support that were purposefully left out to minimize the cost of gas and a host of other reasons.
Aside from that, they all perfectly implement XRPL object logic
The PaymentChannel.vy
is a fork of smartcontractprogrammer's vyper 0.2^ code.
Currenlty working to implement this in solidity and wrap them in a js or py sdk