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Merge pull request #220 from OceanBioME/jsw/giant-kelp-growth
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jagoosw authored Oct 14, 2024
2 parents a626e03 + 6018210 commit ba6b4ad
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Showing 29 changed files with 1,147 additions and 820 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Manifest.toml
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
name = "OceanBioME"
uuid = "a49af516-9db8-4be4-be45-1dad61c5a376"
authors = ["Jago Strong-Wright <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.12.0"
version = "0.13.0"

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/make.jl
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using Documenter, DocumenterCitations, Literate

using OceanBioME
using OceanBioME: SLatissima, LOBSTER, NutrientPhytoplanktonZooplanktonDetritus
using OceanBioME: SugarKelp, LOBSTER, NutrientPhytoplanktonZooplanktonDetritus
using OceanBioME.Sediments: SimpleMultiG, InstantRemineralisation
using OceanBioME: CarbonChemistry, GasExchange

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ if !isdir(OUTPUT_DIR) mkdir(OUTPUT_DIR) end

model_parameters = (LOBSTER(; grid = BoxModelGrid(), light_attenuation_model = nothing).underlying_biogeochemistry,
NutrientPhytoplanktonZooplanktonDetritus(; grid = BoxModelGrid(), light_attenuation_model = nothing).underlying_biogeochemistry,
TwoBandPhotosyntheticallyActiveRadiation(; grid = RectilinearGrid(size=(1, 1, 1), extent=(1, 1, 1))),
SimpleMultiG(; grid = BoxModelGrid()),
InstantRemineralisation(; grid = BoxModelGrid()),
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/appendix/
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Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Modules = [OceanBioME.Models.PISCESModel.Nitrogen]
### Sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima)

Modules = [OceanBioME.Models.SLatissimaModel]
Modules = [OceanBioME.Models.SugarKelpModel]

### Carbon Chemistry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,3 +98,9 @@ Modules = [OceanBioME.Models.GasExchangeModel, OceanBioME.Models.GasExchangeMode
Modules = [OceanBioME.BoxModels]

## Particles

Modules = [OceanBioME.Particles]
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ OceanBioME.jl is a fast and flexible ocean biogeochemical modelling environment.

OceanBioME.jl currently provides a core of several biogeochemical models Nutrient--Phytoplankton--Zooplankton--Detritus ([NPZD](@ref NPZD)), [LOBSTER](, a medium complexity model, and an early implementation of [PISCES](, a complex model. It also provides essential utilities like air-sea gas exchange models to provide appropriate top boundary conditions, a carbon chemistry model for computing the pCO₂, and sediment models to for the benthic boundary.

OceanBioME.jl includes a framework for integrating the growth of biological/active Lagrangian particles which move around and can interact with the (Eulerian) tracer fields - for example, consuming nutrients and carbon dioxide while releasing dissolved organic material. A growth model for sugar kelp is currently implemented using active particles, and this model can be used in a variety of dynamical scenarios including free-floating or bottom-attached particles.
OceanBioME.jl includes a framework for integrating the growth of [biological/active particles](@ref individuals) which move around and can interact with the (Eulerian) tracer fields - for example, consuming nutrients and carbon dioxide while releasing dissolved organic material. A growth model for sugar kelp is currently implemented using active particles, and this model can be used in a variety of dynamical scenarios including free-floating or bottom-attached particles.

## Quick install

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/model_components/biogeochemical/
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Expand Up @@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ When the carbonate chemistry is activated additional tracers ``DIC`` and ``Alk``

### Oxygen chemistry

When the oxygen chemistry is activated additional tracer ``O_2`` evolve like:
When the oxygen chemistry is activated, additional tracer ``O_2`` evolve like:

\frac{\partial O_2}{\partial t} = \mu_P L_{PAR}\left(L_{NO_3} + L_{NH_4}\right)R_{O_2}P - (R_{O_2} - R_{nit})\frac{\partial NH_4}{\partial t} - R_{O_2}\mu_nNH_4.

### Variable Redfield

When the variable Redfield modification is activated the organic components are modified to evolve their nitrogen and carbon content separately. This means that the waste from non-Redfield models (e.g. loss from the [kelp](@ref SLatissima)) can be accounted for.
When the variable Redfield modification is activated the organic components are modified to evolve their nitrogen and carbon content separately. This means that the waste from non-Redfield models (e.g. loss from the [kelp](@ref sugar-kelp)) can be accounted for.

In this case the organic components are split into nitrogen and carbon compartments, so the tracers ``sPOM``, ``bPOM``, and ``DOM`` are replaced with ``sPON``, ``sPOC``, ``bPON``, ``bPOC``, ``DON``, and ``DOC``. The nitrogen compartments evolve as per the organic matter equations above (i.e. replacing each ``XOM`` with ``XON``), while the carbon compartments evolve like:

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88 changes: 23 additions & 65 deletions docs/src/model_components/individuals/
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@@ -1,92 +1,50 @@
# [Individuals](@id individuals)

The effects of individuals can be modelled in OceanBioME. We have implemented this through custom dynamics in the [Lagrangian Particle tracking feature of Oceananigans]( We have extended these functionalities to make it easier to implement "active" particles which interact with the tracers. We have then implemented a model of [sugar kelp](@ref SLatissima) which can be followed as an example of using this functionality.
The effects of individuals can be modelled in OceanBioME. We have implemented this through custom dynamics in the [Lagrangian Particle tracking feature of Oceananigans]( We have extended these functionalities to make it easier to implement "active" particles which interact with the tracers. We have then implemented a model of [sugar kelp](@ref sugar-kelp) which can be followed as an example of using this functionality.

To setup particles first create a particle type with the desired properties, e.g.:
To setup particles first create a particle biogeochemistry, e.g.:

```@example particles
using OceanBioME.Particles: BiogeochemicalParticles
struct GrowingParticles{FT, VT} <: BiogeochemicalParticles
struct GrowingParticles{FT}
nutrients_half_saturation :: FT
size :: VT
nitrate_uptake :: VT
x :: VT
y :: VT
z :: VT

You then need to overload particular functions to integrate the growth, so they need to first be `import`ed:

```@example particles
import Oceananigans.Biogeochemistry: update_tendencies!
import Oceananigans.Models.LagrangianParticleTracking: update_lagrangian_particle_properties!

First, to integrate the particles properties we overload `update_lagrangian_particle_properties!`;
in this fictitious case we will have a Mondo-quota nutrient uptake and growth:
We then need to add some methods to tell `OceanBioME` what properties this particle has, and what tracers it interacts with:

```@example particles
using Oceananigans.Fields: interpolate
function update_lagrangian_particle_properties!(particles::GrowingParticles, model, bgc, Δt)
@inbounds for p in 1:length(particles)
nutrients = @inbounds interpolate(model.tracers.NO₃, particle.x[p], particle.y[p], particle.z[p])
uptake = nutrients / (particle.nutrients_half_saturation + nutrients)
import OceanBioME.Particles: required_particle_fields, required_tracers, coupled_tracers
particles.size[p] += uptake * Δt
particles.nitrate_uptake[p] = uptake
return nothing
required_particle_fields(::GrowingParticles) = (:S, )
required_tracers(::GrowingParticles) = (:N, )
coupled_tracers(::GrowingParticles) = (:N, )
nothing #hide

In this example the particles will not move around, and are only integrated on a single thread. For a more comprehensive example see the [Sugar Kelp](@ref SLatissima) implementation. We then need to update the tracer tendencies to match the nutrients' uptake:

So our model is going to track the `S`ize of the particles and take up `N`utrients.
Now we need to how this growth happens.
The forcing functions should be of the form `(particles::ParticleBiogeochemistry)(::Val{:PROPERTY}, t, required_particle_fields..., required_tracers...)`, so in this example:
```@example particles
using OceanBioME.Particles: get_node
function update_tendencies!(bgc, particles::GrowingParticles, model)
@inbounds for p in 1:length(particles)
i, j, k = fractional_indices((x, y, z), grid, Center(), Center(), Center())
# Convert fractional indices to unit cell coordinates 0 ≤ (ξ, η, ζ) ≤ 1
# and integer indices (with 0-based indexing).
ξ, i = modf(i)
η, j = modf(j)
ζ, k = modf(k)
(p::GrowingParticles)(::Val{:S}, t, S, N) = N / (N + p.nutrient_half_saturation)
(p::GrowingParticles)(::Val{:N}, t, S, N) = - N / (N + p.nutrient_half_saturation)

# Round to nearest node and enforce boundary conditions
i, j, k = (get_node(TX(), Int(ifelse(ξ < 0.5, i + 1, i + 2)), grid.Nx),
get_node(TY(), Int(ifelse(η < 0.5, j + 1, j + 2)), grid.Ny),
get_node(TZ(), Int(ifelse(ζ < 0.5, k + 1, k + 2)), grid.Nz))
We can then create an instance of this particle model using `BiogeochemicalParticles`, and set their initial position and size:
```@example particles
using OceanBioME, Oceananigans
node_volume = volume(i, j, k, grid, Center(), Center(), Center())
Lx, Ly, Lz = 100, 100, 100
grid = RectilinearGrid(; size = (8, 8, 8), extent = (Lx, Ly, Lz))
model.timestepper.Gⁿ.NO₃[i, j, k] += particles.nitrate_uptake[p] / (d * node_volume)
return nothing
particles = BiogeochemicalParticles(10; grid, biogeochemistry = GrowingParticles(0.5))
nothing #hide
set!(particles, S = 0.1, x = rand(10) * Lx, y = rand(10) * Ly, z = rand(10) * Lz)

Now we can just plug this into any biogeochemical model setup to have particles (currently [NPZD](@ref NPZD) and [LOBSTER](@ref LOBSTER)):

We can then put these into a compatible biogeochemical model, for example:
```@example particles
using OceanBioME, Oceananigans
Lx, Ly, Lz = 1000, 1000, 100
grid = RectilinearGrid(; size = (64, 64, 16), extent = (Lx, Ly, Lz))
# Start the particles randomly distributed, floating on the surface
particles = GrowingParticles(0.5, zeros(3), zeros(3), rand(3) * Lx, rand(3) * Ly, zeros(3))
biogeochemistry = LOBSTER(; grid, particles)
biogeochemistry = NPZD(; grid, particles)
25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/model_components/individuals/
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# [Sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) individuals](@id SLatissima)
# [Sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) individuals](@id sugar-kelp)

We have implemented a model of sugar kelp growth within this spatially infinitesimal Lagrangian particles framework originally based on the model of [Broch2012](@citet) and updated by [Broch2013](@citet), [Fossberg2018](@citet), and [Broch2019](@citet). This is the same model passively forced by [StrongWright2022](@citet).

Expand All @@ -7,6 +7,29 @@ The model tracks three variables, the frond area, A (dm²), carbon reserve, C (g
Results could look something like this (from [StrongWright2022](@citet)):
![Example A, N, and C profiles from [StrongWright2022](@citet)](

You can access the model biogeochemistry by setting up `SugarKelp`, i.e.:
using OceanBioME
kelp_bgc = SugarKelp()
# output
SugarKelp{FT} biogeochemistry (Broch & Slagstad, 2012) tracking the `N`itrogen and `C`arbon in a frond of `A`rea
which can be put into `BiogeochemicalParticles`, or you can directly manifest particles:
using OceanBioME, Oceananigans
grid = RectilinearGrid(size = (1, 1, 1), extent = (1, 1, 1));
particles = SugarKelpParticles(10; grid)
# output
10 BiogeochemicalParticles with SugarKelp{FT} biogeochemistry:
├── fields: (:A, :N, :C)
└── coupled tracers: (:NO₃, :NH₄, :DIC, :O₂, :DOC, :DON, :bPOC, :bPON)

## Model equations

As per [Broch2012](@citet) this model variables evolve as:
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Breaking changes

  • Drastically changes BiogeochemicalParticles

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