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Office 2013-2024 C2R Install

Current Version - Version r25 + Lite Version

About the Program

  • Purpose: This program is specifically designed for online installation and activation of Microsoft Office 2013/2024 C2R (Click-to-Run).
  • Customization: Additionally, it allows you to create a custom offline installation of Office, which can be useful for later use.

How to download:

  1. Click on the green button labeled “Code”
  2. From the dropdown menu, select “Download ZIP”
  3. Save the ZIP file to your preferred location on your computer.

Remember to disable your antivirus temporarily before using the program, especially if it triggers any security alerts during the download or installation process.

How to use the program:

  1. Uninstalling Office 2016:

    • Begin by uninstalling Office 2016 through the Control Panel using the "Add or Remove Programs" applet. This ensures a clean removal of the existing Office suite.
  2. Force Removal of Office 2016:

    • For a thorough uninstallation, consider using the "Force Remove Office" tool. This utility helps remove any remnants of Office 2016 that might not have been completely uninstalled during the standard process.
    • After using this tool, restart your computer to ensure all changes take effect.
  3. Installing Office 2024:

    • Install Office 2019 to 2024 by clicking the "Install Office" button. This will initiate the installation process for the desired Office version.
  4. Converting from Retail to Volume Licensing (VL):

    • In the "Utilities" tab, perform the conversion from "Office RETAIL" to "VL" (Volume Licensing). This step is crucial for activating Office using KMS (Key Management Service) or MAK (Multiple Activation Key) methods.
    • The VL edition allows for centralized activation and management across multiple devices.
  5. Activating Office:

    • Once the conversion is complete, click the "Activate Office" button. This will activate your Office suite using the appropriate licensing method.
    • Alternatively, if you prefer using KMS activation, you can start KMSAuto Net 2015 and click the "Activate Office" option within that tool.

How to use Bookmark Download Office:

  1. Selecting the Appropriate Version:

    • When using Bookmark Download Office, start by selecting the desired version of Office, including the bit (x86 or x64) and language.
    • For a comprehensive installation, I recommend creating a full x86-x64 distribution. To do this, choose the "All" option.
    • Click the "Download" button and specify a folder where the distribution files will be saved.
    • You can continue from a previous session or start a new one.
  2. Creating Multilingual Distributions:

    • If you want to create a multilingual distribution, follow these steps:
      • Load the first language completely.
      • Switch to the pre-selected executive language.
      • Click the "Download" button again and choose the same download folder.
  3. Creating an ISO Image:

    • After downloading all the required files, it's recommended to create an ISO image of the Office suite.
    • Use the "Create ISO" option to generate the image.
  4. Resulting Offline Installer:

    • In the selected folder, you'll find a ready-to-use offline installer for the chosen version of Microsoft Office.
    • Note that during a single session, avoid mixing different versions of MS Office 2016 and 2013. You can manipulate x86-x64 and languages, but not versions. Use separate folders to prevent issues with the distribution.
  5. Multiple Projects and Customizations:

    • Now you have the flexibility to create multiple distribution projects, incorporating updates, additions, and corrections.
    • You can choose specific build versions. For Office 2013, the branch choice doesn't matter—it will always download the most current build. For Office 2016, you can select the source of download (branch). The "Check version" button helps verify the build number of the selected branch.

Advanced startup options (keys):

  1. Installation with Configuration File:

    /configure "d:\MyPath\Configuration.xml"
  2. Microsoft Office Configuration Options:

    • For Microsoft Office ProPlus (64-bit, English, excluding Excel and OneNote, including Visio):
      /proplus x64 en-us excludeExcel excludeOneNote /apps visio
    • For Microsoft Office (64-bit, Russian, English, including Word, Excel, and Visio):
      /apps x64 ru-ru en-us word excel visio
    • For Microsoft Office ProPlus (32-bit, English, excluding OneNote, including Project, with conversion and activation):
      /proplus x86 en-us excludeOneNote /apps project /convert /activate

Additional questions

  1. Activation of Office 2024:

    • Not all editions of Office 2019 to 2024 can be activated using a KMS emulator. For a more reliable activation process, consider using the full version of Office 2013-2024 C2R (Click-to-Run). The lite version only activates KMS editions.
    • Before installing Office 2019 to 2024, it's essential to uninstall Office 2016. I recommend using the built-in uninstaller within Office 2013-2024 C2R. Click the "Uninstall Office" button, and in the opened window, select all Office products and also mark "Delete the licenses."
  2. Installation:

    • You can install the Volume editions of 2019 to 2024 from the Perpetual 20XX channel. This edition comes with pre-installed GVLK keys and all the licenses necessary for activation via KMS or MAK methods. Note that the Office edition installed from this channel may be slightly outdated compared to the Standard channel.
  3. Activation Process:

    • Before activation, open each Office product individually. Use the "Utilities" tab for this purpose. If any windows prompt you for keys during this process, simply close them without making changes.
    • During the first run, the products will write the licenses that will be used later for activation. Failing to do this step will prevent successful Office activation.
  4. Retail to Volume Conversion:

    • If you install Office from a channel other than Volume, you'll need to convert it from Retail to Volume. To achieve this:
      • Install GVLK keys from Office 2013-2024 C2R. This step will also install the required licenses.
  5. Activation Tools:

    • Note that KMSAuto Net does not convert Retail editions to Volume editions. Instead, consider using tools like KMSAuto Lite, KMSAuto++, or AAct for this purpose.



Get Office and activate it



