This repository serves as a public preview and documentation hub for commercial Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) extensions. To access full components, please visit OCCT Components Store.
- OCAF - OpenCASCADE Application Framework samples
- Shape Healer - Shape healing and repair examples
- XDE - Extended Data Exchange samples
- CAM Library - Curve approximation and path planning
- BestFit - Point cloud to CAD model alignment
- Unfolding - Sheet material development
- Collision Detection - Shape collision and proximity detection
- DXF Import-Export - DXF file format support
- ACIS Import-Export - SAT/SAB file format support
- JT Import-Export - JT file format support
- JTXT Import - JT with Parasolid content format support
- IFC Import - IFC file format support
- Parasolid Import - Parasolid format import
- USD Import-Export - Universal Scene Description format support
- Healing - Shape healing and repair tools
- Mesh Processing - Mesh manipulation utilities
- Sheet Metal Operations - Sheet metal design tools
- Simplification - Model simplification algorithms
- Surface Wrapping - Surface creation and manipulation
- Canonical Recognition - NURBS to analytical conversion
- Surface From Scattered Points - Surface reconstruction
- Express Mesh - Advanced surface meshing
- Mesh Framework - CAD/CAE mesh support
- Mesh Decimation - Mesh reduction and optimization
- Light Web Viewer - Lightweight WebGL-based viewer
- PMI Visualization - Product Manufacturing Information
- Volume Rendering - Large volumetric data visualization
OCCT Components/
├── AdvancedSamples/
│ ├── OCAF/
│ ├── Shape_Header/
│ └── XDE/
├── Automation/
│ ├── BestFit/
│ ├── CAM_Library/
│ ├── CollisionDetection/
│ └── Unfolding/
├── Exchange/
│ ├── ACIS_ImportExport/
│ ├── DXF_ImportExport/
│ ├── IFC_Import/
│ ├── JT_ImportExport/
│ ├── JTXT_ImportExport/
│ ├── Parasolid_Import/
│ └── USD_ImportExport/
├── LanguageWrappers/
│ ├── C#/
│ └── Java/
├── ModelingSDK/
│ ├── Healing/
│ ├── MeshProcessing/
│ ├── SheetMetalOperations/
│ ├── Simplification/
│ └── SurfaceWrapping/
├── Processing/
│ ├── CanonicalRecognition/
│ ├── ExpressMesh/
│ ├── MeshDecimation/
│ ├── MeshFramework/
│ └── SurfaceFromScatteredPoints/
└── Visualization/
├── LightWebViewer/
├── PMIVisualization/
└── VolumeRendering/
This is a preview repository. For full component access:
- Visit
- Select required components
- Follow purchase process
- Website: