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Removed all normal invoice files, because test with combined showed documentation with irregular links
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Hans Petersen committed Feb 17, 2025
1 parent e9fccd1 commit d3c8d54
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Showing 355 changed files with 2,700 additions and 67,035 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/build-and-deploy-barnch.yml
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Expand Up @@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ jobs:
run: |
aws s3 sync --acl public-read --region eu-west-1 target/site ${{ secrets.AWS_S3_PATH }}/poacc/billing/3.0/${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}
aws s3 sync --acl public-read --region eu-west-1 target/site ${{ secrets.AWS_S3_PATH }}/poacc/self-billing/3.0/${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/build-and-deploy-master.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ jobs:
run: |
aws s3 sync --acl public-read --region eu-west-1 target/site ${{ secrets.AWS_S3_PATH }}/poacc/billing/3.0
aws s3 sync --acl public-read --region eu-west-1 target/site ${{ secrets.AWS_S3_PATH }}/poacc/self-billing/3.0
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions .vscode/settings.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"cSpell.ignoreWords": [
"cSpell.words": [
20 changes: 11 additions & 9 deletions build.bat
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Expand Up @@ -23,17 +23,19 @@ REM CEN-EN16931-UBL
docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/generated:/target" --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/CEN-EN16931-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_cen.xquery -o:/target/CEN-EN16931-UBL-GENERAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/generated:/target" --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/CEN-EN16931-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_cen_syntax.xquery -o:/target/CEN-EN16931-UBL-SYNTAX.sch.adoc

docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/generated:/target" --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-GENERAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/generated:/target" --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol_national.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-NATIONAL.sch.adoc

docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/generated:/target" --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-sb-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-SB-GENERAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/generated:/target" --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-sb-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol_national.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-SB-UBL-NATIONAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/generated:/target" --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-SB.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-SB-GENERAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/generated:/target" --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-SB.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol_national.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-SB-NATIONAL.sch.adoc

REM Example files
docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%target/site/files:/src" alpine:3.6 rm -rf /src/
docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%rules/examples:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/site/files:/target" -w /src kramos/alpine-zip -r /target/ .
set zip="%PROJECT%\target\site\files\"
if exist %zip% (
echo remove %zip%
del %zip%
powershell -command "Compress-Archive -Path '%PROJECT%/rules/examples/Self-billing examples/*' -DestinationPath '%PROJECT%/target/site/files/' -Force"
rem docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%target/site/files:/src" alpine:3.6 rm -rf /src/
rem docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%rules/examples:/src" -v "%PROJECT%target/site/files:/target" -w /src kramos/alpine-zip -r /target/ .

REM Guides
docker run --rm -i -v "%PROJECT%:/documents" -v "%PROJECT%target:/target" difi/asciidoctor
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14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -27,19 +27,15 @@ docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/src anskaffelser/validator:2.1.0 build -x -t -n
docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/src -v $PROJECT/target/generated:/target --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/CEN-EN16931-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_cen.xquery -o:/target/CEN-EN16931-UBL-GENERAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/src -v $PROJECT/target/generated:/target --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/CEN-EN16931-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_cen_syntax.xquery -o:/target/CEN-EN16931-UBL-SYNTAX.sch.adoc

docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/src -v $PROJECT/target/generated:/target --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-GENERAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/src -v $PROJECT/target/generated:/target --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol_national.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-NATIONAL.sch.adoc

docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/src -v $PROJECT/target/generated:/target --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-sb-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-SB-UBL-GENERAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/src -v $PROJECT/target/generated:/target --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-sb-UBL.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol_national.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-SB-UBL-NATIONAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/src -v $PROJECT/target/generated:/target --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-SB.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-SB-GENERAL.sch.adoc
docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/src -v $PROJECT/target/generated:/target --entrypoint java klakegg/saxon:9.8.0-7 -cp /saxon.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -s:/src/rules/sch/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-SB.sch -q:tools/xquery/rules_asciidoc_peppol_national.xquery -o:/target/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL-SB-NATIONAL.sch.adoc

# Example files
rm -rf $PROJECT/target/site/files/
rm -rf $PROJECT/target/site/files/

zip -r target/site/files/ rules/examples
zip -r target/site/files/ rules/examples

# Guides
docker run --rm -i -v $PROJECT:/documents -v $PROJECT/target:/target difi/asciidoctor
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion guide/bis-sb/appendix/examples.adoc
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The example files can be downloaded from the main page of this specification. In addition, several example files have been developed in order to extract snippets into this guide. You might freely use them, but be aware that they include several comments used to extract the snippets.

* {link-snippets}
* {link-snippets-sb}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion guide/bis-sb/appendix/national_rules.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ National rules are provided by each country's Peppol Authority, and if you need

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion guide/bis-sb/appendix/syntax_rules.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
= Syntax rules

The following {EN16931} syntax rules apply to invoice and credit note transaction as it is used in this {peppol} BIS.
The following {EN16931} syntax rules apply to self-billed invoice and self-billed credit note transaction as it is used in this {peppol} BIS.

.EN 16931 syntax rules
[cols="1,4", options="header"]
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions guide/bis-sb/main.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include::settings.adoc[]
= {doctitle}
:description: The Peppol Business Interoperablity Specification, “BIS” from here on after, has been developed by the OpenPeppol AISBL Post Award Coordinating Community and is published as part of the Peppol specifications.
:description: The Peppol Business Interoperability Specification, “BIS” from here on after, has been developed by the OpenPeppol AISBL Post Award Coordinating Community and is published as part of the Peppol specifications.
:doctype: book
:icons: font
Expand All @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ v{version}

= Link to main site of documentation

link:/poacc/billing/3.0/[Main documentation site]
link:/poacc/self-billing/3.0/[Main documentation site]

:leveloffset: +1

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions guide/bis-sb/sb-functionality/accounting.adoc
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

= Accounting

Recording a business transaction into the financial accounts of an organization is one of the main objectives of the self-billed invoice. According to financial accounting best practice and VAT rules every Taxable person shall keep accounts in sufficient detail for VAT to be applied and its application checked by the tax authorities. For that reason, an self-billed invoice shall provide for the information at document and line level that enables booking on both the debit and the credit side.
Recording a business transaction into the financial accounts of an organization is one of the main objectives of the self-billed invoice. According to financial accounting best practice and VAT rules every Taxable person shall keep accounts in sufficient detail for VAT to be applied and its application checked by the tax authorities. For that reason, a self-billed invoice shall provide for the information at document and line level that enables booking on both the debit and the credit side.

Detailed requirements for supporing accounting functionality can be found at <<accountingreq>>
Detailed requirements for supporting accounting functionality can be found at <<accountingreq>>
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions guide/bis-sb/sb-functionality/auditing.adoc
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

= Auditing

Companies audit themselves as means of internal control or they may be audited by external parties as part of a legal obligation. Accounting is a regular, ongoing process whereas an audit is a separate review process to ensure that the accounting has been carried out correctly. The auditing process places certain information requirements on an self-billed invoice. These requirements are mainly related to enable verification of authenticity and integrity of the accounting transaction.
Companies audit themselves as means of internal control or they may be audited by external parties as part of a legal obligation. Accounting is a regular, ongoing process whereas an audit is a separate review process to ensure that the accounting has been carried out correctly. The auditing process places certain information requirements on a self-billed invoice. These requirements are mainly related to enable verification of authenticity and integrity of the accounting transaction.

self-billed invoices, conformant to this Peppol BIS support the auditing process by providing sufficient information for:

Expand All @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ self-billed invoices, conformant to this Peppol BIS support the auditing process
* information for connecting the self-billed invoice to its payment
* information for connecting the self-billed invoice to relevant documents such as a contract and a purchase order

Detailed requirements for supporing accounting functionality can be found at <<auditingreq>>
Detailed requirements for supporting accounting functionality can be found at <<auditingreq>>
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions guide/bis-sb/sb-functionality/negative-self-billed invoices.adoc
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

= Negative self-billed invoices and credit notes
= Negative self-billed invoices and self-billed credit notes

In line with requirements of {EN16931} this BIS supports negative grand totals in order to open up for a wider spectrum of self-billing processes.
Expand All @@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ Examples of such processes are

* Preliminary (estimated) consumption self-billed invoice that is balanced out in a later meter-based self-billed invoice;
* Pre-payment (with or without VAT) is settled through a final self-billed invoice; and
* Some user communities prefer to use negative self-billed invoice rather than credit note when correcting transactions.
* Some user communities prefer to use negative self-billed invoice rather than a self-billed credit note when correcting transactions.

This has the following implications on the transaction format:

* The self-billed invoice (now with “negative self-billed invoice capacity”) can function as an alternative to the credit note. self-billed invoice-generating systems may implement either option, while self-billed invoice-receiving systems have to support both of them.
* The transaction format for credit note has to be designed to accommodate for negative grand total, as well; this is because an entire negative self-billed invoice may have to be balanced out by means of a credit note.
* The self-billed invoice (now with “negative self-billed invoice capacity”) can function as an alternative to the self-billed credit note. self-billed invoice-generating systems may implement either option, while self-billed invoice-receiving systems have to support both of them.
* The transaction format for self-billed credit note has to be designed to accommodate for negative grand total, as well; this is because an entire negative self-billed invoice may have to be balanced out by means of a self-billed credit note.

Attention is drawn to the intrinsic differences between credit note and negative self-billed invoice when it comes to convey crediting information.
Attention is drawn to the intrinsic differences between self-billed credit note and negative self-billed invoice when it comes to convey crediting information.

include::../../syntax/negative-self-billed invoices.adoc[]
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions guide/bis-sb/sb-functionality/payment.adoc
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@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@

= Payment

An self-billed invoice represents a claim for payment. The issuance of an self-billed invoice may take place either before or after the payment is carried out. When an self-billed invoice is issued before payment it represents a request to the Buyer to pay, in which case the self-billed invoice commonly contains information that enables the Buyer, in the role of a debtor, to correctly initiate the transfer of the payment, unless that information is already agreed in prior contracts or by means of payment instructions separately lodged with the Buyer.
A self-billed invoice represents a claim for payment. The issuance of a self-billed invoice may take place either before or after the payment is carried out. When a self-billed invoice is issued before payment it represents a request to the Buyer to pay, in which case the self-billed invoice commonly contains information that enables the Buyer, in the role of a debtor, to correctly initiate the transfer of the payment, unless that information is already agreed in prior contracts or by means of payment instructions separately lodged with the Buyer.

If an self-billed invoice is issued after payment, such as when the order process included payment instructions or when paying with a credit card, online or telephonic purchases, the self-billed invoice may contain information about the payment made in order to facilitate self-billed invoice to payment reconciliation on the Buyer side. An self-billed invoice may be partially paid before issuing such as when a pre-payment is made to confirm an order.
If a self-billed invoice is issued after payment, such as when the order process included payment instructions or when paying with a credit card, online or telephonic purchases, the self-billed invoice may contain information about the payment made in order to facilitate self-billed invoice to payment reconciliation on the Seller side. A self-billed invoice may be partially paid before issuing such as when a pre-payment is made to confirm an order.

self-billed invoices, conformant with this specification should identify the means of payment for settlement of the self-billed invoice and clearly state what payment amount is requested. They should provide necessary details to support bank transfers in accordance with the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) for payments in Euro and the relevant national payment practices for other currencies. Payments by means of Credit Transfer, Direct debit, and Payment Card are in scope.
Self-billed invoices, conformant with this specification should identify the means of payment for settlement of the self-billed invoice and clearly state what payment amount is requested. They should provide necessary details to support bank transfers in accordance with the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) for payments in Euro and the relevant national payment practices for other currencies. Payments by means of Credit Transfer, Direct debit, and Payment Card are in scope.

Detailed requirements for supporing accounting functionality can be found at <<paymentreq>>
Detailed requirements for supporting accounting functionality can be found at <<paymentreq>>
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions guide/bis-sb/sb-functionality/vat-reporting.adoc
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@

= VAT Reporting

The self-billed invoice is used to carry VAT related information from the Seller to the Buyer to enable the Buyer and Seller to correctly handle VAT booking and reporting. An self-billed invoice should contain sufficient information to enable the Buyer and any auditor to determine whether the self-billed invoice is correct from a VAT point of view.
The self-billed invoice is used to carry VAT related information from the Seller to the Buyer to enable the Buyer and Seller to correctly handle VAT booking and reporting. A self-billed invoice should contain sufficient information to enable the Seller and any auditor to determine whether the self-billed invoice is correct from a VAT point of view.

The self-billed invoice shall allow the determination of the VAT regime, the calculation and description of the tax, in accordance with the {VAT-dir} and subsequent amendments.

Detailed requirements for supporing accounting functionality can be found at <<vatreq>>
Detailed requirements for supporting accounting functionality can be found at <<vatreq>>
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions guide/bis-sb/sb-functionality/verification.adoc
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

= Self-billed invoice verification

This process forms part of the Buyer’s internal business controls. The self-billed invoice shall refer to an authentic commercial transaction. Support for self-billed invoice verification is a key function of an self-billed invoice. The self-billed invoice should provide sufficient information to look up relevant existing documentation, electronic or paper, for example, and as applicable:
This process forms part of the Seller’s internal business controls. The self-billed invoice shall refer to an authentic commercial transaction. Support for self-billed invoice verification is a key function of a self-billed invoice. The self-billed invoice should provide sufficient information to look up relevant existing documentation, electronic or paper, for example, and as applicable:

* the relevant purchase order
* the contract
Expand All @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ This process forms part of the Buyer’s internal business controls. The self-bi
* the confirmed receipt of the goods or services
* delivery information

An self-billed invoice should also contain sufficient information that allows the received self-billed invoice to be transferred to a responsible authority, person or department, for verification and approval.
A self-billed invoice should also contain sufficient information that allows the received self-billed invoice to be transferred to a responsible authority, person or department, for verification and approval.

Detailed requirements for supporing accounting functionality can be found at <<verificationreq>>
Detailed requirements for supporting accounting functionality can be found at <<verificationreq>>

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