Scraping betting odds from for the categories best-picture, best-actor, best-actress, best-director and storing them in the MongoDB specified in the parameters.
For each category there is a JSONObject as follows:
"_id": ObjectId("5629e78c5fc73db9a2c581af"),
"timestamp": "2015-10-23 09:53:10.186",
"category": "best-picture",
"data": [
"BW": "",
"BY": "",
"BX": "",
"RD": "4",
"TI": "",
"BF": "",
"id": "15214556282",
"FR": "",
"VC": "",
"BD": "",
"name": "Spotlight",
"OE": "",
"MA": "",
"B3": "",
"UN": "4",
"SJ": "",
"FB": "11/4",
"SK": "4",
"WH": "5/2",
"MR": "",
"SO": "",
"WN": "",
"WA": "",
"PP": "4",
"CE": "",
"EE": "4",
"LD": "5/2"
}, ...
run mvn install
and use the ...jar-with-dependencies.jar; or take the bettingOddsCrawler-0.0.1.jar from the repository if you don't want to build it yourself.
java -jar bettingOddsCrawler-0.0.1.jar [host] [port] [userName] [password] [database]
e.g. java -jar bettingOddsCrawler-0.0.1.jar 27017 oscar 123456 oscar