This package contains human_following and its msgs
The main function of this package is making the robot following human beings and recording their activities
The State Machine inside the package contains:
Start stage - Wandering stage - Following stage - Local-searching stage
Before you can launch this package, you need:
(on bob)
(on bobl)
To start this human_following module, simplly launch:
roslaunch human_following human_following_server.launch
roslaunch human_following human_following_client.launch
To change the settings of this package, find:
Parameters you can change are listed below:
envr (system mode): sim/real
wandering_mode : normal/wait
time (how long it runs): (int)
wander_area : (polygon)
follow_area : (polygon)
max_t_frames(tolerence): (int)
alpha : (double)
distance(safe distance): (double)
Local Searching state may not working at all
Can't catch up with human's normal pace
Can't follow when people walking towards bob and passing by