Orgin im-select could only change IME,
This version allow you change IME Mode in second parameter,
The pre-build exe is under the thisdir/out/
Out: [current IME]-[current Mode]
/path/to/im-select-imm.exe [target IME]
/path/to/im-select-imm.exe [target IME] [target IME Mode]
/path/to/im-select-imm.exe [target IME]-[target IME Mode]
/path/to/im-select-imm.exe -d 50 [target IME]-[target IME Mode] # add some delay, May fix some people don't work
- Microsoft Chinese IME(New Windows11)
- Microsoft Chinese IME(Old Windows10)
- Microsoft Japenese IME(New Windows11)
For Microsoft Old Chinese IME(Win10 and Previous) :
0: English
1: Chinese
For Microsoft New Chinese IME(Win11) :
0: English / Half Shape
1: Chinese / Half Shape
1024: English / Full Shape(in practice still half shape)
1025: Chinese / Full Shape