A python script based on SecuraBV script.
Demonstrates that CVE-2020-1472 can be done via RPC/SMB, and not only over RPC/TCP.
Additionaly, there is a random byte in the final client challange & client credential - to test against trivial IDS signatures. The RPC/SMB scan runs by default. Depending on the target server, some may require a valid authenticated user to get permission to the netlogon pipe.
usage: zerologon_test.py [-h] [-u] [-d] [-p] [-t] [-pp] dc_name dc_ip
Perform zerologon test over RPC/TCP or RPC/SMB
positional arguments:
dc_name NetBIOS name of the domain controller
dc_ip ip address of the domain controller
optional arguments:
-h, --help, /?, /h, /help
show this help message and exit
-u , --user authenticated domain user,may be required for SMB
-d , --domain domain name, required only when authentication over SMB
-p , --pass authenticated domain user's password, may be required for SMB
-t , --type rpc or smb scan. choices: [smb, rpc], (default: 'smb').
-pp, --privacy if exists adds packet privacy