PVPINCore 是由 PVPIN Studio 团队成员开发的 Bukkit 插件。
感谢 ThatRarityEG
本插件提供了 JavaScript 代码的加载功能,并能基于本地文件加载编写的 JavaScript 插件。同时允许玩家在游戏内直接执行一段 JavaScript 代码。(此功能慎用!慎用!慎用!)
本插件主要使用 Java 编写而成。同时提供一系列 API 以供 JavaScript 调用,包括对于事件监听、指令、任务调度器、持久化等功能的简单封装。禁止了 JavaScript 所有 I/O 操作。包括 NodeJS 和 通过 java.io
本插件使用 GraalJS v21.2.0 加载 JavaScript 代码。
PVPINCore is a Bukkit Plugin developed by William_Shi
, Rain_Effect
, MiaoWoo
and Eustia_Saint
from PVPIN Studio.
A special thanks goes to ThatRarityEG
in acknowledgement of her kind help.
This plugin can be used to load custom JavaScript plugins in local .js
files. Players may also execute their own JavaScript code using commands in game. CAUTION! You NEVER know what malicious function calls may a player write! Bear the consequences YOURSELF!
Though written in Java, this plugin provides a series of APIs designed for JavaScript to use. These include simple wrappers for event listeners, command executors, task schedulers and persistence holders. All I/O access is denied, including multiple ways to read or write files such as NodeJS I/Os or java.io
This plugin uses GraalJS 21.2.0 to load JavaScript code.
向服务器内安装 PVPINCore 插件,详见 INSTALLATION.md 。
If you want to install our PVPINCore plugin on your server, you may go to INSTALLATION.md for details.
PVPINCore 插件提供的全部指令的使用方法,详见 USAGE.md 。
If you want to know the usage of all the commands provided by our PVPINCore plugin, you may go to USAGE.md for details.
基于 PVPINCore 所提供的 API 开发 JavaScript 插件或 Java 插件的指导,详见 APIDOCS.md 。
If you want to know how to use the APIs provided by our PVPINCore plugin to develop a JavaScript or Java plugin that depends on PVPINCore by yourself, you may go to APIDOCS.md for details.