This code provides the histogram of original data in white color and histogram of noisy data in blue color for each epsilon, and also provides a plot of error versus values of epsilon entered.
To run the code, run the following command:
python path_to_dataset epsilon_value(s)
Where path_to_dataset is the path to the csv file. If the the csv file is in current directory, path_to_dataset=./adult_age_gender_race_dataset.csv and epsilon_value(s) can be either a single value or multiple values seperated by ','.
For instance, if the csv file is in the current directory ,for a single value of epsilon you can run the following command:
python ./adult_age_gender_race_dataset.csv 0.2
And for multiple values of epsilon run:
python ./adult_age_gender_race_dataset.csv 0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1
Output of the code is a figure of original and noisy histograms for each epsilon and also a plot of error (mean of difference between original and noisy histograms over bins of width 5). It also prints the error for each epsilon entered.
Note: You should close each generated figure to see the next one!