Welcome to the YouTube Dada App! This app replicates the core functionalities of YouTube, allowing users to search and watch videos fetched from the YouTube API.
The YouTube Dada App is built to mimic the popular video streaming platform YouTube. It leverages Rapid API to fetch YouTube data and provides a sleek and responsive user interface. Explore the features, technologies used, and dive into the codebase.
- 🔍 Video Search: Search for videos using the YouTube API.
- 📺 Video Playback: Watch videos with a seamless playback experience.
- 📱 Responsive Design: Optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
- 📑 Detailed Video Info: View detailed information about each video.
- 🔗 Related Videos: Discover related videos based on your search.
- React: For building the user interface.
- React Router DOM: For client-side routing.
- Axios: For making API requests to Rapid API.
- React Player: For playing video content.
- Material UI (MUI): For UI components and styling.
- @mui/material: Core MUI components.
- @mui/icons-material: MUI icons.
- Emotion: For writing CSS styles with JavaScript.
- @emotion/react: Core emotion library.
- @emotion/styled: Styled component API for emotion.
- React Scripts: For running and building the app.
- LinkedIn: Pallavi Bobde
- GitHub: PallaviBobde
- Email: [email protected]
Made with ❤️ by PallaviBobde