This application help users find businesses in their vicinity
- Customized search helps you find businesses as per you needs
- Responsive Web Application
- Show's up-to-date information as per the Yelp API
- Front-end: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, Vanilla JS
- Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, EJS, Jest
- API: Yelp API, Google's GeoCoding API, IPinfo API
- Clone & install the required dependencies
- Set up keys.js with Yelp API key, IPinfo API key & Google API key (with Google Maps JavaScript API & Geocoding API enabled)
- Inside autodetect.js set [ip=Your_IP_Address] as request's to locally hosted server have IP=[::1]
Run npx jest getAutoComplete.test.js
to run the Jest test case on getAutoComplete.js