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@andreasohlund andreasohlund released this 30 Jan 20:00


ServiceInsight provides debugging and analysis capabilities for your NServiceBus system.

I provides under-the-hood view of the your system's behavior, clearly displayed and visualized, immediately available and up-to-date.

ServiceInsight features are valuable in development, testing and production environments:


  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
  • ServiceControl
    • ServiceInsight connects to and relies on ServiceControl' audit database for its information and functionality
    • See ServiceControl release notes for guidance on installation and configuration.
    • ServiceControl can be installed on the local machine or on a remote machine that is accessible (via HTTP) to ServiceInsight

Optional components

  • ServiceMatrix
    • ServiceMatrix enables you to generate a fully functional distributed application skeleton in a matter of minutes, dramatically reducing the learning curve, POC effort and time-to-market of distributed systems development with NServicebus.
    • ServiceInsight integrates with ServiceMatrix during development and debugging, allowing you to quickly visualize the run-time behavior of your designed NServiceBus system, and quickly iterate from design to run-time views of your system.
  • ServicePulse
    • ServicePulse is a production monitoring tool that allows you to monitor and detect any issues with your NServiceBus endpoints and messages.
    • ServiceInsight integrates with ServicePulse, allowing you to access detailed failure information and context visualizations
    • See ServicePulse release notes for guidance on installation and configuration.


  1. Run the ServiceInsight installer
  2. By default, the installer will add desktop and programs shortcuts to ServiceInsight

Connecting to ServiceControl

  1. Following the installation, when first launching ServiceInsight, it will try to connect to a local ServiceControl instance (http://localhost:33333/api/)
  2. If there is no ServiceControl instance running on the local machine, you can use the ServiceInsight user interface to connect to any accessible ServiceControl URI, by clicking on the menu "Tools" > "Connect to ServiceControl" or clicking the "Connect" toolbat button
  3. The ServiceControl URI is comprised of the ServiceControl hostname and IP port. By default it is set to localhost with the default port 33333 (http://localhost:33333/api/). Both are configurable.


  1. Unable to connect to ServiceControl URI
    • See ServiceControl Release Notes troubleshooting section
    • ServiceInsight connects to ServiceControl through standard HTTP calls
    • You can view the connection and requests logs in the "Logs" tab (at the bottom of the ServiceInsight screen).
      • The "Logs" window details every request made to ServiceControl, including its request parameters, headers and response headers (the request info detailed in the "Logs" window can be re-run through any HTTP / REST client application)
    • Make sure the ServiceControl URI is accessible from the calling machine, using a standard HTTP / REST client
    • Make sure that ServiceInsight is allowed (by firewall / security settings) to make HTTP requests to the ServiceControl URI
  2. ServiceInsight UI display is not responding
    • This may be due to changes in layout engine from previous beta preview versions of ServiceInsight
    • To resolve this issue, delete the layout settings file:
      1. Close ServiceInsight
      2. Navigate to C:\Users{current-user}\AppData\Roaming\IsolatedStorage
      3. Inside the IsolatedStorage directory structure, locate the file ShellLayout.settings
      4. Delete ShellLayout.settings
      5. Start ServiceInsight (this will re-create ShellLayout.settings)
  3. Adding detailed Logging to ServiceInsight
    • ServiceInsight uses Log4Net internally, and adding a Log4Net standard logging configuration file to the ServiceInsight installation directory will create a detailed log of all ServiceInsight activities (based on the Log4Net settings specified). The file name should be log4net.config and be beside the main executable.
    • Sample Log4Net file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  Uncomment the commented out section below to enable logging to log files.
  You might need to run the application in elevated mode to make the logging work.
  <appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
    <file value="Logs\Particular.ServiceInsight.txt"/>

    <appendToFile value="true"/>
    <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
      <conversionPattern value="%date - [%-5level] - %logger - %message%newline"/>

    <level value="ALL"/>
    <appender-ref ref="LogFileAppender" />


Changes from previous Beta releases