TelegramClient is a Squeak-Client for the widely used Telegram-Messenger. It aims to provide features such as Authentication, Contacts, Message and Media sending and a minimal UI as well as as a Zen-mode and receiving messages in the background.
This Project is part of the "Softwaretechnik" Lecture 2020 at the Hasso Plattner Institute.
✨ | Feature |
🔓 | Authenticate yourself in your Telegram-Account |
✉️ | Send messages to other users |
💬 | Display open Chats in a List |
📫 | Receive messages |
🆕 | Create new chats |
🔔 | Receive push notifications |
🌍 | Start Telegram via WorldMenu |
🚶 | Logout |
We currently only support Squeak 5.3.
Open a Workspace and evaluate the following command in it:
Metacello new
baseline: 'TelegramClient';
repository: 'github://hpi-swa-teaching/TelegramClient/packages';
Install the following prerequisites:
- Last compatible FFI version. For Squeak version 5.3 use
Metacello new configuration: 'FFI'; load.
to install it. - JSON package from SqueakSource.
- Animations package GitHub.
- Last compatible FFI version. For Squeak version 5.3 use
Check our release page for an online installer in the form of a SAR file. Install this SAR file in your Squeak image.
Click the Telegram entry in the Apps WorldMenu or execute the command
TCUTelegram newWithTCCCore
. The menu is only available if you already started the app once or installed the app via a release SAR file.
For further information or manual setup take a look in our setup guide.
The wiki has a lot of useful information for continuing the development of this project. Feel free to add new information to the wiki.
Pre-Releases are created automatically whenever a commit is added to the develop-branch. Releases should created before each client meeting and can simply be done by merging develop into master.
Group 13 of the 2020 SWT I module included Rohan Sawahn, Jonas Schmidt, Frederik Wollny, Stefan Spangenberg, Lukas Laskowski, and Niklas Schilli. Feel free to add your names to the list.