Just some for fun project
A quick overview of the project.
- 1 Buzzer;
- 4 Tactile Buttons;
- 2 Arcade Buttons;
- 1 4-Digit-7-Segment Display;
- 1 16,2 LCD Display;
- 4 1K Resistors;
- A lot of jumper wires;
- 1 Arduino Mega 2560;
- 1 Breadboard.
You and a friend can battle to see who among you can press a button faster!
(It's simple, I know! But it's also fun!)
What will the code do? (Bit by Bit)
The first thing you'll see when everything is set up is the Tittle Screen.
The Tittle Screen will display "Jarvis Play Mode" wich is the name of the game.
Bellow the tittle will the "Press Blue" phrase, so you can press the button and the game will move to the Setup Screen.
The Setup Screen is where you and your foe will define how many presses both of you will have to do to win the game.
You can press the Green Button (In my case) to increase by 1 the total number of presses.
Or maybe you think that's too slow, right? Me too! So I added a second button, the Yellow Button (Also in my case) to increase the total number of presses by 10.
Oh no! Made mistake? Don't worry, I got you covered! Press the Red Button (Also in my... You get the point) to erase the total number of presses and go back to 0.
Once both of you come to a agreement and decide how many presses you'll do, press the Blue Button to confirm it and move to the Game Start phase.
Okay, so both of decided how many presses you'll have to do and are all set to BATTLE, isn't? GOOD!
After pressing the Blue Button on the Setup Screen a CountDown will occur (Just to give you and your opponent time to prepare). Starting from 3 until it vanishes.
Once the CountDown is complete the word "BATTLE" surrounded by swords will show up on the LCD screen and you're good to go! PRESS PRESS AND PRESS!
The 4-Digit-7-Segment-Display will show on the first 2 digits the total number of presses remaining for the player 1 and the last 2 for the player 2 (Quite obvious, right?)
Every press you and your opponent do will decrease and change the number on the Display.
When you or your foe gets to 0 it'll go to the End Screen.
The End Screen will show wich of the players WON!.
On the first line of the LCD Display it'll say: "Player One" if the player one won or "Player Two" if the player two won and both of them will be surrounded by little hearts. (Nice way of putting some puff for the winning player, right?!)
On the second line it'll just say "WON!".
And (Yeah, yeah... I know, THERE'S MORE!) The Zelda's Lullaby song will play on the buzzer!
And that's it! The game is complete.