Django Airbrake provides a logging handler to push exceptions and other errors to airbrakeapp or other airbrake-compatible exception handler services (e.g. aTech Media's Codebase). Django 1.4 and 1.5 on Python 2.7 are supported, while support Django 1.5 on Python 3.3 is experimental.
Django 1.3 on Python 2.6 was supported until version 0.3.0.
Installation with pip
$ pip install django-airbrake
Add 'airbrake.handlers.AirbrakeHandler'
as a logging handler:
LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse' } }, 'handlers': { 'airbrake': { 'level': 'WARNING', 'class': 'airbrake.handlers.AirbrakeHandler', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'api_key': '[your-api-key]', 'env_name': 'develop', } }, 'loggers': { 'django.request': { 'handlers': ['airbrake'], 'level': 'WARNING', 'propagate': True, }, } }
(built-in setting)
Change the level
to 'ERROR'
to disable logging of 404 error messages.
(required)- API key provided by the exception handler system.
(required)- Name of the environment (e.g. production, develop, testing)
- To use aTech Media's Codebase exception system, provide an extra setting
with the value''
. env_variables
- List of environment variables that should be included in the error message,
defaults to
. meta_variables
- List of
variables that should be included in the error message, defaults to['HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'HTTP_COOKIE', 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'SERVER_NAME', 'SERVER_SOFTWARE']
. timeout
- Timeout in seconds to send the error report, defaults to 30 seconds.