Photo Mode
Added several photo mode commands. To enter a command, press Alt+Z to show your WoW UI when using the photo mode.
For example, if you want to add a mount to your scene, open the Mount Journal, hover the cursor over a mount, then enter /run Narci.SetModelByMount()
/run Narci.SetModelByFileID(fileID)
This command loads the FileID to the active actor. Using an invalid FileID may crash the game.
/run Narci.SetModelByDisplayID(displayID)
This command loads the CreatureDisplayID to the active actor.
/run Narci.SetModelByMount([mountID], [displayIndex])
The two parameters are optional. If MountID is nil, open the Mount Journal, hover your cursor over a mount, and it will use its MountID. If the mount has other color variations, you can use the second parameter to choose one.
/run Narci.SetModelByPet()
If the PetJournal is open and your cursor is hovering over a pet, it will load the pet to the active actor.
/run Narci.PlayAnimationSequenceOnModel(moldeIndex, animationID1, animationID2, ...)
Play a sequence of animations on the designated actor.
/run Narci.SetChromaKeyColor(r, g, b)
Set the chroma key color. R, G, B range: 0 - 255
/run Narci.SpinCurrentActor([secondsPerCycle])
Spin the currently selected actor. The parameter is optional.