PoE TradeMacro is an Autohotkey (AHK) script that provides several convinient QoL features for Path of Exile Trading.
This builds on top of PoE-ItemInfo which provides very useful item information on ctrl+c. With TradeMacro, price checking is added via ctrl+x. You can also open wiki via ctrl+w.
- For Gems, Quality and Gem Level >= 16 is checked.
- 5-6 Link and 6 Sockets are also checked.
- Corruption is always checked.
- Install AHK (http://ahkscript.org)
- Download this zipped file and extract.
- Run POE-ItemInfo.ahk.
- Default league is set to Essence. For hardcore league, edit TradeMacro.ahk and find this line:
LeagueName := "Essence"
change it to
LeagueName := "Hardcore Essence"
More features to be included in the future.
Note that this a fork from the previous TradeMacro found here. Motivation for this fork is to leverage ItemInfo's Clipboard Parsing code and to attempt at including Modifiers in price checking. It is also nice that user would only need to run 1 ahk script.
Another note, in case you don't know, you can edit the file AdditionalMacros.txt to add your simple macro like logout for hardcore players.