Log network packets as you want.
- Download the latest version for your API from releases.
- Place the .phar in the plugins directory
- Start and stop the server to generate the default config file
- Edit the
(validate yaml) - Start the server and connect. The logs are located in the
Below a example config.yml
that logs packets for the player with name steve
and exclude some packets to reduce the size of the log.
#Configuration file for PacketLogger
#variables available: {name}, {clientId}, {ip}, {time}
logName: "{name}_{clientId}-{time}.log"
#These selectors will match when ANY of the conditions is met
mode: match #When match, it will allow when a selector is matched. When refuse, it'll log when there is no match
name: #case insensitive
- steve
#- 123456
#These filters decide what packets will be logged
packetId: #Filter by the packet id (faster)
default: true #Default value of the packets not specified here. true will log it, false will not
#Available packet ID's can be found in https://github.com/PocketMine/PocketMine-MP/blob/master/src/pocketmine/network/protocol/Info.php
0x8f: false # LoginPacket
0x92: false # BatchPacket
0x95: false # StartGamePacket
0xba: false # CraftingDataPacket
0xbf: false # FullChunkDataPacket
0xc3: false # PlayerListPacket