11 commits
to pypi_release
since this release
What's Changed
- fix ict->clt conversion for directory by @vjaganat90 in #290
- default network access for ICT to CLT conversion and handle single node wfb payload by @vjaganat90 in #291
- Separate dir creation from compilation by @sameeul in #293
- Fix Pypy miniconda version by @sameeul in #294
- Increase workflow timeout by @sameeul in #295
- one step wfb, cwl dict format and uuid by @vjaganat90 in #292
- remove jsonschema version constrain by @sameeul in #287
- fix re-serializing 'string' input and general array input by @vjaganat90 in #297
- docker_image and docker-compose for restapi by @vjaganat90 in #296
- Link order fix by @sameeul in #299
- Update ICT to CLT test by @sameeul in #300
- Update linking of the outputs and inputs by @sameeul in #301
- Publish docker image by @sameeul in #302
- V021 by @sameeul in #303
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1-dev0