- Lab 1 - Housing Dataset
- Lab 2 - Wine Class Prediction Dataset, California Housing Dataset Prediction
- Lab 3 - medMNIST (Blood) Analysis using FFNN, VGG, ResNet
- Lab 4
- Dataset Link : https://github.com/Pragna235/ACM-Winter-School-Hands-on-Labs/blob/main/Twitter_Data.csv
- Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using RNN
- Lab 5
- Dataset Link : https://github.com/Pragna235/ACM-Winter-School-2023-Hands-on-Labs/blob/main/Iris.csv
- K-Means Clustering and DBScan Clustering Algorithms and Hierarchial Clustering Algorithms (Agglomerative and Divisive)
- Lab 6
- Dataset Link 1 : https://github.com/Pragna235/ACM-Winter-School-2023-Hands-on-Labs/blob/main/PHEME_preprocessed.csv
- Dataset Link 2 : https://github.com/Pragna235/ACM-Winter-School-2023-Hands-on-Labs/blob/main/twitter_credentials.json
- Multimodal Rumor Detection (Fake News) using Deep Learning
Reference for Lab 6 : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1d92E88Xr05Ozs-yBDQ9Gi8wC29bjmNAV
- Lab 7 - LLM Finetuning Demo
- Lab 8 - CartPole Game using Reinforcement Learning
- Lab 9 - TF GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)