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A task runner and a build system

NPM Version Build Status


###installing build-friend cli creates a command buildfriend you can use this command to run tasks,install build-friend globally

using the following command

$ npm install -g build-friend

build-friend cli requires build-friend module to be installed locally,install build-friend locally using below command

$ npm install build-friend

###Sample build-friend.js

This file is just a quick sample to give you a taste of what build-friend does.

var buildfriend = require('build-friend');

var gulp = require('gulp');

buildfriend.task('run',['t1','t2'],function() {
	return console.log('run task is done');

buildfriend.task('t1',function() {
	return console.log('t1 task is done');

buildfriend.task('t2',function() {
	return console.log('t2 task is done');

	return gulp.src('./**/*.*').pipe(gulp.dest('./copy'));

	return gulp.src('./copy/**/**/*.*').pipe(gulp.dest('./copy2'));

###Task dependencies execution

if task1 depends on task2 u should create task like this

 * you should return some value otherwise build-friend doesn't know when the task is completed
 * ,because of that depedencies may run in parallel with actual task,so to avoid that you should 
 *  return a value


	return (task code)


####Watching for changes and runnig tasks

build-friend watch depends on gaze

check there for the glob patterns supported by gaze

/*you should pass exactly three parameters the first one is glob pattern and the second parameter
*should be an array of tasks to run on change and the thrid parameter should be a function it will
*be invoked each time there is an event like file delete,change,creat...*
	console.log(event+' '+filepath);

/* On every event (like file creation or deletion or updation) tasks are 
*  run in a sequencial manner like task2 will run after task1's completion

Running tasks

   $ buildfriend taskname;


   $ buildfriend t1;

plugin's and other features

Right now build-friend doesn't have plugins specific to it but you can you gulp plugins

as shown in the sample build-friend.js file and there are seperate node modules for

providing minifying,compressing,jshint,copying,deleting features you can use them along with



you should require build-friend


to use build-friend, create your tasks in build-friend.js file

you should run your task using

   $ buildfriend taskname 

not the following

   $ build-friend taskname 

###Features Planned

plugins support