This is an example of a Hello World NaCl application implemented in C++. It launches a NaCl module that waits for a string type message form JavaScript and sends back an echo message.
- implement a NaCl plugin in C++
- send text message from NaCl to JavaScript
- pepper_42 or newer
Smart TV widget manifest file. For more info search for config.xml in TizenTV: link.
A NaCl C++ application source file. It contains code that is essential to launch a NaCl module written in C++ (implements pp::Module and pp::Instance PPAPIs) and handles simple messaging communication with JavaScript.
NaCl application manifest file. A JSON file that points to binary file depending on processor architecture. Also it shall contain permissions request if a NaCl application wants to use some non public Pepper API (like
). See here. Note: This file is generated by NaCl toolchain when building a NaCl project in Samsung TizenTV SDK IDE. -
A NaCl application binaries for specific processor architecture (arm, x86 32 and 64 bit). These binaries are built by NaCl toolchain when project is built from Samsung TizenTV SDK IDE, or you may compile them from CLI using make command. More info here. Note: Samsung SmartTVs don't support pnacl files actually, only nexe binaries for ARM architecture. For release version there is no need to include binaries for any other architecture..
An entry point to this Web Application - a HTML Web Page file that loads a NaCl plugin.