On the machine where you are running this script, Ensure you have Ansible setup in your machine Install python modules boto and awscli
Ansible roles are tested in Ansible version 2.9.
Mac :
- sudo easy_install pip
- pip install ansible --user
- pip install --user boto3 botocore
- pip install awscli --user
- brew install ansible
Configure aws-cli. Use AWS credentials provided in the aws_credentials.yml
aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key: <AWS Secret Access Key>
Default region name: <ap-south-1>
Default output format: <json>
How to encrypt and decrypt Ansible vars:
Make sure you have vault key present on the ansible.cfg path (~/.keys/projecteka_secret).
ansible-vault encrypt vars/vars.yml
ansible-vault decrypt vars/vars.yml
Add vars/ec2_key.pem key to connect to AWS:
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ansible-vault decrypt group_vars/ec2_key.pem
ssh-add group_vars/ec2_key.pem
To create a new VPC and basic infrastructure, the following command is executed:
```ansible-playbook -i inventory/ vpc.yml -vvv```
To create a new ec2 Instance, the following command is executed:
```ansible-playbook -i inventory/ create_instance.yml -vvv```
To provision a ec2 proxy Instance, the following command is executed
```ansible-playbook -i inventory/ provision.yml -t proxy -vvv```
To provision a ec2 docker Instance, the following command is executed:
```ansible-playbook -i inventory/ provision.yml -t docker-provision -vvv```
Update Ha-proxy configuration to add container dns:
```ansible-playbook -i inventory/ add_container_dns.yml -e "container_name=hip-dev docker_host= https_port=9052" -vvvv```
```ansible-playbook -i inventory/ add_container_dns.yml -e "container_name=hook docker_host= https_port=8555" -vvvv```
```ansible-playbook -i inventory/ add_container_dns.yml -e "container_name=hiu-dev docker_host= https_port=9053" -vvvv```
```ansible-playbook -i inventory/ add_container_dns.yml -e "container_name=consent-manager-dev docker_host= https_port=9051" -vvvv```