This readme file contains the description for the team-29, with members:
- Girish Mallya (UFID 57907674)
- Punakshi Chaand (UFID 81375377)
- Yash Tibrewal (UFID 86029690)
- This repository contains the completed code and log files based on our testing completed on the CISE servers.
- We have attached a brief 15 min demonstration of the project, the link for
- the same can be found here,
The video covers the following points,
- We initially demonstrate the working of the project by transferring the PDF copy of the Computer Networks text book on the CISE cloud servers among 4 peers.
- We have a quick walkthrough of the config files used in this demonstration and we also have an logging overview in which we clearly show the messaging between peers.
- Next, we show a demonstration locally with 2 peers in which we print the transferring of Handshake Messages and Bitfield messages and print the bitfield memory states (on the STD_OUT) of the peers during the running of the application.
- After this, we finally walk through our code in a debugger setting to show that the Config files are being read correctly and being utilized in the project.
- The access rights have been made public for the video hosted on the onedrive sharepoint, if due to any circumstance access issues are observed, please mail at [email protected].