A browser-based, open-source European tool for the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions in planning.
The initial environment setup guide can be found here
This will build and run docker in the background and view in browser on port 3000 It will connect to the backend with prefix https://ggia.ulno.net
docker-compose up -d --build
This will build and run the development docker in the background and view in browser on port 3001 It will connect to the backend with prefix https://ggia-dev.ulno.net
docker-compose up -d --build
Careful, if you want to deploy this on your own server - you have to change the url for the backend in the Dockerfile in frontend_qgassp/Dockerfile. The buildWIthPrefix script also takes (in addition to the prefix url) a true or false flag to indicate if the local csv saving the local datasets should be enabled or not (analog to this you have to specify in the backend in config.json the same value in the "save_csv" flag).
IT should look there something like this:
RUN ./buildWithPrefix https://myserver.onthe.net true
CMD ["./serveBuild"]
(Make sure you are inside the frontend_qgassp folder for the following.)
Installs node-modules dependencies found in package.json
yarn install
To build and view storybook created UI components and pages in the browser
yarn build-storybook
yarn storybook
Checks for bugs or inconsistencies in code
yarn lint
Formats all the files using prettier and sort package-json dependencies alphabetically
yarn format
npx sort-package-json
Upgrade storybook
npx sb upgrade`
Start a local version with the prefix given as parameter (in this case http://localhost:8000). If no prefix is specified, the script also looks for a file named env_url_prefix that can include the prefix url.
./startWithPrefix http://localhost:8000