No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"QbilSoftware/topal-php-sdk": "@dev-main"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new Topal\Client\Api\AccountAreasApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$id = 56; // int
$client_id = 'client_id_example'; // string
try {
$result = $apiInstance->accountAreasDelete($id, $client_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AccountAreasApi->accountAreasDelete: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountAreasApi | accountAreasDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/accountAreas/{id} | Delete AccountArea |
AccountAreasApi | accountAreasGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/accountareas | get list of accountAreas |
AccountAreasApi | accountAreasGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/accountareas/{id} | Get accountArea by id |
AccountAreasApi | accountAreasPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/accountAreas | Save AccountArea |
AccountsApi | accountsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/accounts | Gets list of accounts |
AccountsApi | accountsGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/accounts/bycode/{code} | Gets account by code |
AccountsApi | accountsGetStatement | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/accounts/{id}/statement | get account statement |
AccountsApi | accountsGetStatementDataView | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/accounts/{id}/statement/dataview | get account statement with filtering, sorting and pagination. |
AccountsApi | accountsGetSummary | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/accounts/{id}/summary | get account summary |
AccountsApi | accountsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/accounts/{id} | Gets account by id |
BankAccountApi | bankAccountDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/bankaccounts/{id} | Delete bankAccount |
BankAccountApi | bankAccountGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/bankaccounts | Retreives list of bankAccounts |
BankAccountApi | bankAccountGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/bankaccounts/{id} | Get bankAccount by id |
BankAccountApi | bankAccountGet_1 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/bankaccounts/byname/{name} | Get bankAccount by name |
BankAccountApi | bankAccountPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/bankaccounts | Save bankAccount |
BanksApi | banksDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/banks/{id} | Delete bank |
BanksApi | banksGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/banks | Retreives list of banks |
BanksApi | banksGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/banks/bycode/{code} | Get bank by code |
BanksApi | banksGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/banks/{id} | Get bank by id |
BanksApi | banksPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/banks | Save bank |
BudgetApi | budgetGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/budgets | Retreives list of buget |
BudgetApi | budgetGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/budgets/{id} | Get budget by id |
COATreeViewsApi | cOATreeViewsDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/coaTreeViews/{id} | Delete coaTreeViewTreeView |
COATreeViewsApi | cOATreeViewsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/coatreeviews | get list of coatreeViews |
COATreeViewsApi | cOATreeViewsGetByCOA | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/coas/{coaId}/coatreeviews | Get coaTreeView by id within given coa |
COATreeViewsApi | cOATreeViewsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/coatreeviews/{id} | Get coaTreeView by id |
COATreeViewsApi | cOATreeViewsGet_1 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/coatreeviews/byCode/{code} | Get coaTreeView by code |
COATreeViewsApi | cOATreeViewsPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/coatreeviews | saves CoaTreeView COATreeView item type: - Account = 1 - COA Group = 2 - Counter = 3 - Mirror Account = 4 - Account Copy = 5 - Result = 6 - Commentary Line = 7 |
COAViewsApi | cOAViewsDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/coaViews/{id} | Delete coaView |
COAViewsApi | cOAViewsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/coaviews | get list of coaViews |
COAViewsApi | cOAViewsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/coaviews/{id} | Get coaView by id |
COAViewsApi | cOAViewsPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/coaViews | Save coaView |
COAsApi | cOAsDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/coas/{id} | Delete coa |
COAsApi | cOAsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/coas | get list of coas |
COAsApi | cOAsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/coas/{id} | gets coa by id |
COAsApi | cOAsPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/coas | Save coa |
ChartsApi | chartsGetCCStatement | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charts/statement/costcenters | Gets accouht cost cetner balance witin given period periods: year, quarter, month, day maximum periods count - 12 |
ChartsApi | chartsGetFormulaList | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charts/formula/templates | Gets list of MIS formulas trees of client |
ChartsApi | chartsGetFormulaStatement | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charts/formula | Gets period values of given formula periods: year, quarter, month, day maximum periods count - 12 |
ChartsApi | chartsGetStatement | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charts/statement | Gets list of COA balances within given period periods: year, quarter, month, day maximum periods count - 12 |
ChartsApi | chartsValidateFormula | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charts/formula/validate | Validates given formula for errors |
ClientSettingsApi | clientSettingsDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/settings/{name} | Delete settings by name |
ClientSettingsApi | clientSettingsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/settings | get list of settings names |
ClientSettingsApi | clientSettingsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/settings/{name} | get settings by names |
ClientSettingsApi | clientSettingsPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/settings/{name} | save settings by name |
ClientsApi | clientsGet | GET /api/v1/clients | Retreives list of client |
ClientsApi | clientsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{id} | Retreives a client with specified unique identifier |
ClientsApi | clientsPost | POST /api/v1/clients | Save client |
ClientsApi | clientsUnprotect | POST /api/v1/clients/{id}/unprotect | Unprotects client protected by password |
CostCentersApi | costCentersGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/costcenters | gets list of costCenters |
CostCentersApi | costCentersGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/costcenters/byCode/{code} | Get costCenter by code |
CostCentersApi | costCentersGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/costcenters/{id} | Get costCenter by id |
CostCentersApi | costCentersPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/costcenters | Save costCenter |
CountriesApi | countriesDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/countries/{id} | Delete country |
CountriesApi | countriesGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/countries | Retreives list of countries |
CountriesApi | countriesGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/countries/bycode/{code} | Get country by code |
CountriesApi | countriesGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/countries/{id} | Get country by id |
CountriesApi | countriesPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/countries | Save country |
CurrenciesApi | currenciesGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/currencies | Retreives list of currencies |
CurrenciesApi | currenciesGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/currencies/bycode/{code} | Get country by code |
CurrenciesApi | currenciesGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/currencies/bydate/{date} | Retreives list of currencies |
CurrenciesApi | currenciesGet_1 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/currencies/{id} | Get country by id |
CustomSettingsApi | customSettingsDelete | DELETE /api/v1/customsettings/{name} | Delete settings by name |
CustomSettingsApi | customSettingsGet | GET /api/v1/customsettings/{name} | Retreives custom settings by name |
CustomSettingsApi | customSettingsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/customsettings | Retreives custom settings list |
CustomSettingsApi | customSettingsPost | POST /api/v1/customsettings/{name} | Save custom settings |
DefaultsApi | defaultsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/defaults | Gets current defaults |
DepreciationsApi | depreciationsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/depreciations | gets list of depreciations |
DepreciationsApi | depreciationsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/depreciations/{id} | Get depreciation by id |
DocumentsApi | documentsDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/documents | download report |
DocumentsApi | documentsDownload | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/documents/download | download report |
FiscalYearApi | fiscalYearDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalyears/{id} | delete fiscal year by id |
FiscalYearApi | fiscalYearGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalyears | Retreives list of fiscal years |
FiscalYearApi | fiscalYearGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalyears/{id} | get fiscal year by id |
FiscalYearApi | fiscalYearPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalyears | saves fiscal year |
InterestsApi | interestsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/interests | get list of interests |
InterestsApi | interestsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/interests/{id} | Get interest by id |
LanguagesApi | languagesGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/languages | Retreives list of languages |
LanguagesApi | languagesGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/languages/bycode/{code} | Get language by code |
LanguagesApi | languagesGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/languages/{id} | Get language by id |
NumRangesApi | numRangesGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/numranges | get list of numRanges |
NumRangesApi | numRangesGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/numranges/bycode/{code} | Get numRange by code |
NumRangesApi | numRangesGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/numranges/{id} | Get numRange by id |
PartiesApi | partiesDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties/{id} | Delete party by id |
PartiesApi | partiesDeleteCreditor | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties/{id}/creditor | Delete creditor by party id |
PartiesApi | partiesDeleteDebtor | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties/{id}/debtor | Delete debtor by party id |
PartiesApi | partiesGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties | Retreives list of parties |
PartiesApi | partiesGetByFreeNumber | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties/byfreenumber/{freePartyNum} | Get party by freePartyNum |
PartiesApi | partiesGetByNumber | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties/bynumber/{partyNum} | Get party by partyNum |
PartiesApi | partiesGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties/{id} | Get party by id |
PartiesApi | partiesPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties | Save party |
PartiesApi | partiesPost_0 | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties/{id}/creditor | Assign creditor to party creditor |
PartiesApi | partiesPost_1 | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/parties/{id}/debtor | Assign debtor to party |
PartnersApi | partnersGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/partners | get list of partners |
PartnersApi | partnersGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/partners/{id} | Get partner by id |
PayTermApi | payTermDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/payTerms/{id} | Delete payTerm |
PayTermApi | payTermGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/payterms | Retreives list of payterms |
PayTermApi | payTermGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/payterms/bycode/{code} | Get payTerm by code |
PayTermApi | payTermGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/payterms/{id} | Get payTerm by id |
PayTermApi | payTermPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/payTerms | Save payTerm |
PayTypeApi | payTypeGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/paytypes | Retreives list of payTypes |
PayTypeApi | payTypeGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/paytypes/byname/{name} | Get payType by name |
PayTypeApi | payTypeGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/paytypes/{id} | Get payType by id |
PayablesApi | payablesDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/{id} | Delete payables invoice by id |
PayablesApi | payablesDeleteDocument | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/{id}/document | delete document |
PayablesApi | payablesDeleteManualPayment | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/manualpayments/{id} | delete manualPayment by id |
PayablesApi | payablesDownloadDocument | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/{id}/document | download document |
PayablesApi | payablesGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices | Retreives list of payables invoices |
PayablesApi | payablesGetAll | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/all | Retreives list of payables invoices |
PayablesApi | payablesGetAllPartyInvoices | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/parties/{id}/invoices/all | Retreives list of party all payables invoices |
PayablesApi | payablesGetByFreeInvoiceNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/byfreeinvoicenum/{freeInvoiceNum} | Get payables invoice by freeInvoiceNum, return error if there is more than one invoice with this number |
PayablesApi | payablesGetByFreeInvoicesNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/byfreeinvoicenum/{freeInvoiceNum}/all | Get list of payables invoices by freeInvoiceNum |
PayablesApi | payablesGetByInvoiceNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/byinvoicenum/{invoiceNum} | Get payables invoice by invoiceNum |
PayablesApi | payablesGetInvoicesByPeriod | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/byperiod | Retreives list of payables invoices by period |
PayablesApi | payablesGetManualPayment | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/manualpayments/{id} | get manualPayment by id |
PayablesApi | payablesGetManualPayments | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/manualpayments | Retreives list of Manual Payments |
PayablesApi | payablesGetOpen | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/open | Retreives list of payables invoices |
PayablesApi | payablesGetOpenInvoicesByPeriod | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/open/byperiod | Retreives list of payables invoices by period |
PayablesApi | payablesGetOpenPartyInvoices | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/parties/{id}/invoices/open | Retreives list of party open payables invoices |
PayablesApi | payablesGetPartyInvoiceByFreeInvoiceNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/parties/{partyID}/invoices/byfreeinvoicenum/{freeInvoiceNum} | Get payables invoice by party ID and freeInvoiceNum, return error if there is more than one invoice with this number |
PayablesApi | payablesGetPartyInvoices | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/parties/{id}/invoices | Retreives list of party payables invoices |
PayablesApi | payablesGetPartyInvoicesByFreeInvoiceNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/parties/{partyID}/invoices/byfreeinvoicenum/{freeInvoiceNum}/all | Get list of payables invoices by partyFID freeInvoiceNum |
PayablesApi | payablesGetPendingDocuments | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/documents/pending | get not procssed documents from dms |
PayablesApi | payablesGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/{id} | Get payables invoice by id |
PayablesApi | payablesLinkDocument | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/{id}/document | link document |
PayablesApi | payablesNew | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/new | creates new invoice |
PayablesApi | payablesPayInvoice | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/{id}/pay | pay invoice by id |
PayablesApi | payablesPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices | Save payables invouce |
PayablesApi | payablesPostFromQrBill | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/invoices/qrbill | Creates payables invoice out of QrBill |
PayablesApi | payablesPostManualPayment | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/manualpayments | saves manualPayment |
PayablesApi | payablesUpload | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/payables/documents | create invoice from qrBill and save document to DMS |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/{id} | Delete receivables invoice by id |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesDeleteDocument | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/{id}/document | delete document |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesDeleteManualPayment | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/manualpayments/{id} | delete manualPayment by id |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesDownloadDocument | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/{id}/document | download document |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices | Retreives list of receivables invoices |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetAll | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/all | Retreives list of receivables invoices |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetAllPartyInvoices | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/parties/{id}/invoices/all | Retreives list of party all receivables invoices |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetByFreeInvoiceNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/byfreeinvoicenum/{freeInvoiceNum} | Get receivables invoice by freeInvoiceNum, return error if there is more than one invoice with this number |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetByFreeInvoicesNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/byfreeinvoicenum/{freeInvoiceNum}/all | Get list of receivables invoices by freeInvoiceNum |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetByInvoiceNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/byinvoicenum/{invoiceNum} | Get receivables invoice by invoiceNum |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetInvoicesByPeriod | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/byperiod | Retreives list of receivables invoices by period |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetManualPayment | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/manualpayments/{id} | get manualPayment by id |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetManualPayments | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/manualpayments | Retreives list of Manual Payments |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetOpen | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/open | Retreives list of receivables invoices |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetOpenInvoicesByPeriod | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/open/byperiod | Retreives list of receivables invoices by period |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetOpenPartyInvoices | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/parties/{id}/invoices/open | Retreives list of party open receivables invoices |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetPartyInvoiceByFreeInvoiceNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/parties/{partyID}/invoices/byfreeinvoicenum/{freeInvoiceNum} | Get receivables invoice by party ID and freeInvoiceNum, return error if there is more than one invoice with this number |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetPartyInvoices | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/parties/{id}/invoices | Retreives list of party receivables invoices |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGetPartyInvoicesByFreeInvoiceNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/parties/{partyID}/invoices/byfreeinvoicenum/{freeInvoiceNum}/all | Get list of receivables invoices by partyFID freeInvoiceNum |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/{id} | Get receivables invoice by id |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesLinkDocument | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/{id}/document | link document |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesNew | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/new | creates new invoice |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesPayInvoice | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices/{id}/pay | pay invoice by id |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/invoices | Save receivables invouce |
ReceivablesApi | receivablesPostManualPayment | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/receivables/manualpayments | saves manualPayment |
RepLanguageApi | repLanguageGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/replanguages | Retreives list of report languages |
RepLanguageApi | repLanguageGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/replanguages/{id} | get report language by id |
ReportJobApi | reportJobGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/reportjobs | Retreives list of report jobs |
ReportJobApi | reportJobGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/reportjobs/{id} | get report job by id |
ReportsApi | reportsDownload | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/reports/{id}/download | download report |
ReportsApi | reportsDownloadWithFilter | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/reports/{id}/downloadwithfilter | Post report filter and apply it to report |
ReportsApi | reportsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/reports | get list of reports |
ReportsApi | reportsGetReportFilter | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/reports/{id}/reportfilter | gets report filter |
ReportsApi | reportsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/reports/{id} | get list of reports |
ReportsApi | reportsPostReportFilter | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/reports/{id}/reportfilter | gets report filter |
ReportsApi | reportsPreview | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/reports/{id}/preview | preview report |
TransactionsApi | transactionsCreatePosting | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/posting | create posting based on optinal parameters |
TransactionsApi | transactionsDelete | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions/{id} | delete transaction |
TransactionsApi | transactionsDeleteDocument | DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions/{id}/document | delete document |
TransactionsApi | transactionsDownloadDocument | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions/{id}/document | download document |
TransactionsApi | transactionsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions/{id} | get transaction by id |
TransactionsApi | transactionsGetByDocNum | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions/bydocnum/{docNum} | get transaction by docNum |
TransactionsApi | transactionsGetPendingDocuments | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions/documents/pending | get not procssed documents from dms |
TransactionsApi | transactionsGetVatPosting | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/vatPosting | create posting with calculated vat amounts |
TransactionsApi | transactionsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions | get all transactions within fiscal year |
TransactionsApi | transactionsLinkDocument | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions/{id}/document | link document |
TransactionsApi | transactionsNew | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions/new/{transactionType} | creates new transaction of given type |
TransactionsApi | transactionsPost | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions | saves transaction |
TransactionsApi | transactionsUpload | POST /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/transactions/documents | save document to DMS as unrecognized transaction |
UserAccountApi | userAccountChangePassword | POST /api/v1/useraccount/changepassword | Change user password |
UserAccountApi | userAccountGet | GET /api/v1/useraccounts | Retreives list of user accounts |
UserAccountApi | userAccountGetLocalization | GET /api/v1/useraccount/localization | Get current user localization |
UserAccountApi | userAccountLogout | GET /api/v1/useraccount/logout | Disconnects from topal server |
UserAccountApi | userAccountProfile | GET /api/v1/useraccount/profile | Get user profile data |
UserAccountApi | userAccountSaveLocalization | POST /api/v1/useraccount/localization/{localization} | Change user localization |
UserAccountApi | userAccountSaveProfile | POST /api/v1/useraccount/profile | Save user profile data |
UserGroupApi | userGroupGet | GET /api/v1/usergroups | Retreives list of user accounts |
UserGroupApi | userGroupGetDetail | GET /api/v1/usergroups/permissions | Retreives list of user accounts |
VATsApi | vATsGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/vats | Get list of VATs (depricated: use vats/bydate instead ) |
VATsApi | vATsGetByCode | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/vats/bycode/{code} | Get VAT by code |
VATsApi | vATsGetByCode_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/vatPeriods/{vatPeriodId}/vats/bycode/{code} | Get VAT by code |
VATsApi | vATsGetByVatPeriod | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/vatPeriods/{vatPeriodId}/vats | Get list of VATs by vatPeriodId |
VATsApi | vATsGet_0 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/vats/bydate | Get list of VATs of period of given date |
VATsApi | vATsGet_1 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/vats/{id} | Get VAT by id |
VATsApi | vATsGet_2 | GET /api/v1/clients/{clientId}/fiscalYears/{fiscalYearId}/vatPeriods/{vatPeriodId}/vats/{id} | Get VAT by id |
- Account
- AccountArea
- AccountSummary
- BalancePosting
- Bank
- BankAccount
- Budget
- COATreeView
- COAView
- ChangePassword
- Client
- CostCenter
- CostCenterMethod
- Country
- Creditor
- Currency
- CurrencyRate
- DataViewBalancePosting
- Debtor
- Defaults
- Depreciation
- Document
- FilterField
- FiscalYear
- FormulaStatement
- Interest
- Invoice
- Language
- MisFormulaTree
- MisTreeItem
- NumRange
- OrderField
- Partner
- Party
- PayMethod
- PayTerm
- PayTermDetail
- PayType
- Payment
- PaymentDetail
- Period
- PeriodBalance
- PeriodFormula
- Person
- Posting
- QrBill
- RepLanguage
- Report
- ReportFilter
- ReportJob
- Statement
- StatementItem
- Transaction
- UserAccount
- UserGroup
- VATPeriod
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
To run the tests, use:
composer install
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
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- Generator version:
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