pysensu-yelp is a python library designed for interacting with the cutom Yelp sensu-handlers.
This allows developers to get notified in the method of their choice, on arbitrary events that might happen in their code.
Only a very specific type of situation calls for this kind of monitoring, it does not replace general active checks against webservers and stuff.
If you need to send an event, use pysensu_yelp.send_event
import pysensu_yelp
result_dict = {
'check_name': 'my_cool_code',
'runbook': '',
'status': 1,
'output': 'CRITICAL: My code broke! Check the logs!',
'team': 'backend',
'tip': 'This happens sometimes when you frobulate the flux restraint cannon',
'page': True,
'notification_email': None,
'irc_channels': None,
'alert_after': '5m',
'check_every': '1m',
'realert_every': -1
Full autogen docs are on ReadTheDocs.
Apache 2.
Open an issue or fork and open a Pull Request
Please do not attempt to use pysensu-yelp
without Yelp's sensu_handlers
unless you intend to write your own custom handlers.