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QuentinWach committed Jul 9, 2024
1 parent 6e708b3 commit 71231a6
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Showing 11 changed files with 992 additions and 19 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/Eulerian Fluid in
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# Eulerian Fluid Simulator

<img align="right" width="40%" margin-left="20px" src="1st_test_smoke.png">

We will look at a 2D simulation here first. Moving to 3D is quite trivial. It is _Eulerian_ because we use a grid rather than points for the computations. Below, we will be mainly following the work of Matthias Müller [^1] [^2] with added details and insights from various other sources.

Expand All @@ -23,6 +25,16 @@ are saved not within the centers of the cells (_"collocated"_ grid) but rather a

The indices for the grid positions are notated as \\(i, j\\) .

| **Figure 1.** *Outline of the fluid dynamics algorithm. We first initializse the densities and objects within the grid, then enter the simulation loop where we apply forces at each step, diffuse the fluid, the "project" in order to enforce compressibility, and lastely "advect" in order to redirect the velocities of the fluid.* |

| **Figure 2.** *The staggered grid within which all the fluid dynamics are computed.* |

### Velocity Update
Now, for all \\(i,j\\) we update the velocity

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A minimal version of a 2D eulerian fluid simulation
with plenthy of comments based on the paper
"Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games" by Jos Stam.
author: @QuentinWach
July 1, 2024 -> Smoke simulation with density spawn
July 5, 2024 -> Ink drop simulation with correct non-compressibility
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, FFMpegWriter

def set_bnd(b, x):
# Set boundary conditions
x[0, :] = -x[1, :] if b == 1 else x[1, :]
x[-1, :] = -x[-2, :] if b == 1 else x[-2, :]
x[:, 0] = -x[:, 1] if b == 2 else x[:, 1]
x[:, -1] = -x[:, -2] if b == 2 else x[:, -2]
# Set corners
x[0, 0] = 0.5 * (x[1, 0] + x[0, 1])
x[0, -1] = 0.5 * (x[1, -1] + x[0, -2])
x[-1, 0] = 0.5 * (x[-2, 0] + x[-1, 1])
x[-1, -1] = 0.5 * (x[-2, -1] + x[-1, -2])

def lin_solve(b, x, x0, a, c):
for _ in range(20):
x[1:-1, 1:-1] = (x0[1:-1, 1:-1] + a * (x[:-2, 1:-1] + x[2:, 1:-1] + x[1:-1, :-2] + x[1:-1, 2:])) / c
set_bnd(b, x)

def diffuse(b, x, x0, diff, dt):
a = dt * diff * N * N
lin_solve(b, x, x0, a, 1 + 4 * a)

def project(u, v, p, div):
div[1:-1, 1:-1] = -0.5 * (u[2:, 1:-1] - u[:-2, 1:-1] + v[1:-1, 2:] - v[1:-1, :-2]) / N
set_bnd(0, div)
set_bnd(0, p)
lin_solve(0, p, div, 1, 4)

u[1:-1, 1:-1] -= 0.5 * N * (p[2:, 1:-1] - p[:-2, 1:-1])
v[1:-1, 1:-1] -= 0.5 * N * (p[1:-1, 2:] - p[1:-1, :-2])
set_bnd(1, u)
set_bnd(2, v)

def advect(b, d, d0, u, v, dt):
dt0 = dt * N
for i in range(1, N - 1):
for j in range(1, N - 1):
x = i - dt0 * u[i, j]
y = j - dt0 * v[i, j]
x = np.clip(x, 0.5, N - 1.5)
y = np.clip(y, 0.5, N - 1.5)
i0, i1 = int(x), int(x) + 1
j0, j1 = int(y), int(y) + 1
s1, s0 = x - i0, i1 - x
t1, t0 = y - j0, j1 - y
d[i, j] = (s0 * (t0 * d0[i0, j0] + t1 * d0[i0, j1]) +
s1 * (t0 * d0[i1, j0] + t1 * d0[i1, j1]))
set_bnd(b, d)

def step(u, v, u0, v0, dens, dens0):
diffuse(1, u0, u, visc, dt)
diffuse(2, v0, v, visc, dt)
project(u0, v0, u, v)
advect(1, u, u0, u0, v0, dt)
advect(2, v, v0, u0, v0, dt)
project(u, v, u0, v0)
diffuse(0, dens0, dens, diff, dt)
advect(0, dens, dens0, u, v, dt)

def add_density(x, y):
dens[x-5:x+5, y-5:y+5] += 0.5

def add_velocity(x, y, vx, vy):
u[x-5:x+5, y-5:y+5] += vx
v[x-5:x+5, y-5:y+5] += vy

# Set parameters
N = 350 # grid size
fps = 24
dt = 2.0 / fps
steps = fps * 20
diff = 0.0001 # diffusion rate
visc = 0.00001 # viscosity

# Initialize variables
u = np.zeros((N, N))
v = np.zeros((N, N))
u_prev = np.zeros((N, N))
v_prev = np.zeros((N, N))
dens = np.zeros((N, N))
dens_prev = np.zeros((N, N))

# Create the figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=150)
im = ax.imshow(dens, cmap='bone_r', vmin=0, vmax=1, interpolation='bicubic')
# Show no boundaries
# Show no box

# Animation function
def update(frame):
# Randomly add drops with velocities
if frame % 1 == 0:
x = np.random.randint(1, N-1)
y = np.random.randint(1, N-1)
dens[x-4:x+6, y-4:y+6] += 0.9
v[x-4:x+6, y-4:y+6] += 2 * np.random.randn() # Add upward velocity
u[x-4:x+6, y-4:y+6] += 2 * np.random.randn() # Add upward velocity
# Add gravity
u[1:N-1,1:N-1] += 0.002
# Add random velocity distrubrances
u[:, :] += np.random.rand(N, N) * 0.1 - 0.05
# Dissipate densities
dens[:,:] *= 0.95
# Step forward in time
step(u, v, u_prev, v_prev, dens, dens_prev)
# Draw the image
# Update
print(f"Frame {frame}/{steps}. {np.round((frame/steps)*100,1)}% done.")
return [im]

# Run and save the animation as an MP4 file
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=steps, blit=False)
print("Rendering animation...")
writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=fps, bitrate=1800)"fluid_simulation.mp4", writer=writer)
print("Finished rendering.")
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions src/code/
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

class FluidCube:
def __init__(self, size, diffusion, viscosity, dt):
self.size = size
self.dt = dt
self.diff = diffusion
self.visc = viscosity

self.s = np.zeros((size, size, size))
self.density = np.zeros((size, size, size))

self.Vx = np.zeros((size, size, size))
self.Vy = np.zeros((size, size, size))
self.Vz = np.zeros((size, size, size))

self.Vx0 = np.zeros((size, size, size))
self.Vy0 = np.zeros((size, size, size))
self.Vz0 = np.zeros((size, size, size))

def set_bnd(b, x):
N = x.shape[0]

# Handle edges
x[1:-1, 0, :] = -x[1:-1, 1, :] if b == 2 else x[1:-1, 1, :]
x[1:-1, -1, :] = -x[1:-1, -2, :] if b == 2 else x[1:-1, -2, :]

x[0, 1:-1, :] = -x[1, 1:-1, :] if b == 1 else x[1, 1:-1, :]
x[-1, 1:-1, :] = -x[-2, 1:-1, :] if b == 1 else x[-2, 1:-1, :]

x[:, :, 0] = -x[:, :, 1] if b == 3 else x[:, :, 1]
x[:, :, -1] = -x[:, :, -2] if b == 3 else x[:, :, -2]

# Handle corners
x[0, 0, 0] = 1/3 * (x[1, 0, 0] + x[0, 1, 0] + x[0, 0, 1])
x[0, N-1, 0] = 1/3 * (x[1, N-1, 0] + x[0, N-2, 0] + x[0, N-1, 1])
x[0, 0, N-1] = 1/3 * (x[1, 0, N-1] + x[0, 1, N-1] + x[0, 0, N-2])
x[0, N-1, N-1] = 1/3 * (x[1, N-1, N-1] + x[0, N-2, N-1] + x[0, N-1, N-2])
x[N-1, 0, 0] = 1/3 * (x[N-2, 0, 0] + x[N-1, 1, 0] + x[N-1, 0, 1])
x[N-1, N-1, 0] = 1/3 * (x[N-2, N-1, 0] + x[N-1, N-2, 0] + x[N-1, N-1, 1])
x[N-1, 0, N-1] = 1/3 * (x[N-2, 0, N-1] + x[N-1, 1, N-1] + x[N-1, 0, N-2])
x[N-1, N-1, N-1] = 1/3 * (x[N-2, N-1, N-1] + x[N-1, N-2, N-1] + x[N-1, N-1, N-2])

def lin_solve(b, x, x0, a, c, iter):
c_recip = 1.0 / c
for _ in range(iter):
x[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = (x0[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] + a * (
x[2:, 1:-1, 1:-1] + x[:-2, 1:-1, 1:-1] +
x[1:-1, 2:, 1:-1] + x[1:-1, :-2, 1:-1] +
x[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:] + x[1:-1, 1:-1, :-2]
)) * c_recip
set_bnd(b, x)

def diffuse(b, x, x0, diff, dt, iter):
N = x.shape[0]
a = dt * diff * (N - 2) * (N - 2)
lin_solve(b, x, x0, a, 1 + 6 * a, iter)

def project(velocX, velocY, velocZ, p, div, iter):
N = velocX.shape[0]

div[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = -0.5 * (
velocX[2:, 1:-1, 1:-1] - velocX[:-2, 1:-1, 1:-1] +
velocY[1:-1, 2:, 1:-1] - velocY[1:-1, :-2, 1:-1] +
velocZ[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:] - velocZ[1:-1, 1:-1, :-2]
) / N
set_bnd(0, div)
set_bnd(0, p)
lin_solve(0, p, div, 1, 6, iter)

velocX[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] -= 0.5 * (p[2:, 1:-1, 1:-1] - p[:-2, 1:-1, 1:-1]) * N
velocY[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] -= 0.5 * (p[1:-1, 2:, 1:-1] - p[1:-1, :-2, 1:-1]) * N
velocZ[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] -= 0.5 * (p[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:] - p[1:-1, 1:-1, :-2]) * N

set_bnd(1, velocX)
set_bnd(2, velocY)
set_bnd(3, velocZ)

def advect(b, d, d0, velocX, velocY, velocZ, dt):
N = d.shape[0]

dtx = dt * (N - 2)
dty = dt * (N - 2)
dtz = dt * (N - 2)

x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N), np.arange(N), indexing='ij')

x = x.astype(np.float64) - dtx * velocX
y = y.astype(np.float64) - dty * velocY
z = z.astype(np.float64) - dtz * velocZ

x = np.clip(x, 0.5, N - 1.5)
y = np.clip(y, 0.5, N - 1.5)
z = np.clip(z, 0.5, N - 1.5)

i0 = np.floor(x).astype(int)
i1 = i0 + 1
j0 = np.floor(y).astype(int)
j1 = j0 + 1
k0 = np.floor(z).astype(int)
k1 = k0 + 1

s1 = x - i0
s0 = 1 - s1
t1 = y - j0
t0 = 1 - t1
u1 = z - k0
u0 = 1 - u1

i0 = np.clip(i0, 0, N-1)
i1 = np.clip(i1, 0, N-1)
j0 = np.clip(j0, 0, N-1)
j1 = np.clip(j1, 0, N-1)
k0 = np.clip(k0, 0, N-1)
k1 = np.clip(k1, 0, N-1)

for i in range(1, N-1):
for j in range(1, N-1):
for k in range(1, N-1):
d[i, j, k] = (
s0[i, j, k] * (
t0[i, j, k] * (u0[i, j, k] * d0[i0[i, j, k], j0[i, j, k], k0[i, j, k]] +
u1[i, j, k] * d0[i0[i, j, k], j0[i, j, k], k1[i, j, k]]) +
t1[i, j, k] * (u0[i, j, k] * d0[i0[i, j, k], j1[i, j, k], k0[i, j, k]] +
u1[i, j, k] * d0[i0[i, j, k], j1[i, j, k], k1[i, j, k]])
) +
s1[i, j, k] * (
t0[i, j, k] * (u0[i, j, k] * d0[i1[i, j, k], j0[i, j, k], k0[i, j, k]] +
u1[i, j, k] * d0[i1[i, j, k], j0[i, j, k], k1[i, j, k]]) +
t1[i, j, k] * (u0[i, j, k] * d0[i1[i, j, k], j1[i, j, k], k0[i, j, k]] +
u1[i, j, k] * d0[i1[i, j, k], j1[i, j, k], k1[i, j, k]])

set_bnd(b, d)

def fluid_cube_step(cube):
N = cube.size
visc = cube.visc
diff = cube.diff
dt = cube.dt

diffuse(1, cube.Vx0, cube.Vx, visc, dt, 4)
diffuse(2, cube.Vy0, cube.Vy, visc, dt, 4)
diffuse(3, cube.Vz0, cube.Vz, visc, dt, 4)

project(cube.Vx0, cube.Vy0, cube.Vz0, cube.Vx, cube.Vy, 4)

advect(1, cube.Vx, cube.Vx0, cube.Vx0, cube.Vy0, cube.Vz0, dt)
advect(2, cube.Vy, cube.Vy0, cube.Vx0, cube.Vy0, cube.Vz0, dt)
advect(3, cube.Vz, cube.Vz0, cube.Vx0, cube.Vy0, cube.Vz0, dt)

project(cube.Vx, cube.Vy, cube.Vz, cube.Vx0, cube.Vy0, 4)

diffuse(0, cube.s, cube.density, diff, dt, 4)
advect(0, cube.density, cube.s, cube.Vx, cube.Vy, cube.Vz, dt)

def fluid_cube_add_density(cube, x, y, z, amount):
cube.density[x, y, z] += amount

def fluid_cube_add_velocity(cube, x, y, z, amount_x, amount_y, amount_z):
cube.Vx[x, y, z] += amount_x
cube.Vy[x, y, z] += amount_y
cube.Vz[x, y, z] += amount_z

# Simulation setup
N = 64
dt = 0.1
diff = 0.0001
visc = 0.00001

cube = FluidCube(N, diff, visc, dt)

# Visualization setup
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.imshow(cube.density[:, :, N//2], cmap='hot', vmin=0, vmax=1)

def update(frame):
# Add density and velocity
fluid_cube_add_density(cube, N//2, N//2, N//2, 100)
fluid_cube_add_velocity(cube, N//2, N//2, N//2, 0, 5, 0) # Changed velocity direction


# Update the plot
slice_data = cube.density[:, :, N//2]
im.set_clim(vmin=np.min(slice_data), vmax=np.max(slice_data)) # Adjust color limits
return [im]

# Create the animation
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=40, interval=50, blit=True)
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/code/d copy
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Expand Up @@ -98,8 +98,6 @@ def step(u, v, u0, v0, dens, dens0, s):
diffuse(0, dens0, dens, diff, dt, s)
advect(0, dens, dens0, u, v, dt, s)

# Set parameters
N = 200 # Increased grid size for better resolution
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