Tan Compose
is a lightweight library that turns DDL (Declarative Definition Language) into reusable web components. It allows you to create fully customizable and extendable web components with built-in support for theming, event emission, and encapsulation using the Shadow DOM.
- Declarative Component Definition: Easily describe web components using a JSON-like structure.
- Theming and Styling: Apply styles through CSS variables and inline styles.
- Shadow DOM Encapsulation: Prevent style leakage and ensure component encapsulation.
- Event Emitters: Communicate between child and parent components via custom events.
- Recursive Component Building: Nest and compose components in a declarative way.
Install the package via npm:
npm install tan-compose
Create a simple button component using Tan Compose.
import { describe, build } from "tan-compose";
const formBtn = describe({
tag: "button",
action: (event) => console.log(event),
className: "my-button",
styles: { margin: "10px", padding: "5px" },
parent: "body",
build("tan-btn", formBtn);
Use it in HTML
<tan-btn>Click Here</tan-btn>
Let's build a form with multiple nested components: labels, inputs, buttons, and a textarea.
import { describe, build } from 'tan-compose';
// Form structure with themed styles and event emitters
const form = describe({
tag: 'form',
theme: {
primaryColor: 'blue',
secondaryColor: 'gray',
buttonPadding: '10px'
styles: { padding: "20px", border: "1px solid #ccc", width: "300px" },
emit: [
name: 'formSubmitted',
handler: (e) => { console.log("Form submitted:", e.detail); }
name: 'formCancelled',
handler: (e) => { console.log("Form cancelled:", e.detail); }
children: [
tag: 'label',
styles: { display: "block", marginBottom: "10px" },
children: [
{ tag: 'span', innerHTML: 'Full Name: ' },
tag: 'input',
attributes: { name: 'fullName', placeholder: 'Enter Full Name' }
tag: 'label',
styles: { display: "block", marginBottom: "10px" },
children: [
{ tag: 'span', innerHTML: 'Email: ' },
tag: 'input',
attributes: { name: 'email', type: 'email', placeholder: 'Enter Email' }
tag: 'label',
styles: { display: "block", marginBottom: "10px" },
children: [
{ tag: 'span', innerHTML: 'Bio: ' },
tag: 'textarea',
attributes: { name: 'bio', placeholder: 'Enter your bio' }
tag: 'div',
styles: { marginTop: "20px", display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" },
children: [
tag: 'button',
attributes: { type: 'submit' },
action: (event) => {
event.target.emitEvent('formSubmitted', { message: "Form Submitted Successfully!" });
styles: { backgroundColor: 'var(--primaryColor)', padding: 'var(--buttonPadding)', color: 'white' },
innerHTML: 'Submit'
tag: 'button',
attributes: { type: 'button' },
action: (event) => {
event.target.emitEvent('formCancelled', { message: "Form Submission Cancelled" });
styles: { backgroundColor: 'var(--secondaryColor)', padding: 'var(--buttonPadding)', color: 'white' },
innerHTML: 'Cancel'
// Build the form component with shadow DOM and event emission
build("tan-form", form);
Use it in HTML
You can easily apply theming using CSS variables:
const button = describe({
tag: 'button',
theme: {
primaryColor: 'red'
styles: { backgroundColor: 'var(--primaryColor)' },
innerHTML: 'Themed Button'
build('themed-btn', button);
Use it in HTML
Creates a component description object.
- tag: HTML tag to create (default: div).
- theme: Object of CSS variables for theming.
- styles: Object of inline styles.
- className: CSS class names.
- attributes: HTML attributes to set.
- children: Array of child components.
- action: Event handler for actions like click.
- emit: Array of event