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Warwick Stone edited this page Oct 9, 2016 · 2 revisions

Linux dev setup

This is a guide to preparing a dev environment for the local linguist server app. Developed on Ubuntu 15.10.

Install prerequisites

This takes ~10 minutes. Install ruby using your package manager, then rails using gem. Alternatively, you can use RVM to get later versions of ruby, and switch between versions for testing.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev ruby-bundler postgresql libpq-dev
sudo gem update --system

Configure postgresql

Add a password for the default user, otherwise rails/postgres complains later.

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \password postgres

Enter your password & confirm. I used 'postgres' for this guide. \q quits postgres:

postgres=# \q

Configure local linguist app

Clone/download the linguist server app.

Find the following sections in config/database.yml and add lines:

  <<: *default
  database: linguist_development
  username: postgres            # <--- Add this line
  password: postgres            # <--- Add this line
  host: localhost               # <--- Add this line

  <<: *default
  database: linguist_test
  username: postgres            # <--- Add this line
  password: postgres            # <--- Add this line
  host: localhost               # <--- Add this line

Don't commit the above changes, as this is for your local dev environment.

Install required bundles:

bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Configure database:

./bin/rake db:create
./bin/rake db:migrate
./bin/rake db:seed
./bin/rake db:test:prepare

Run tests:


Hopefully you see zero failures.

Run the dev server

./bin/rails server --binding=

Bind to to allow connections from external IPs, such as the local linguist Android app.

If everything has worked, then the server should now be listening on port 3000. Open a browser and go to http://localhost:3000!
