A combined repository containing all of my S_{1/2} Anomaly and Stacking Anomaly code which is related to the ISW effect.
Readme updated February 12, 2018, by Z Knight
This repository containss mostly Python code, as well as some helper programs and data files.
Other software used: numpy scipy CAMB HEALPix PolSPICE ramdisk.sh optimzeSx.so
Python files:
ISW_template.py: ISW template objects will have the parameters taken from the GNS catalogs. These are meant to be used in a nonlinear template_fit minimization ISW template objects will have a method to produce a template based on the two parameters of the model Pixel values will be DeltaT/T * 2.726K
ISWprofile.py: This program creates plots of mass overdensities for superclusters and supervoids, following the forumulation of Papai and Szapudi, 2010. (herafter PS) It starts with a matter power spectrum from CAMB, contained in file test_matterpower_2015.dat. From there it computes <delta(r)delta_in(R)> and <delta_in(R)^2>, as specified in the paper. These will be numerically integrated and dependant on radius r. Then for a given value of delta_in(R), the conditional expectation <delta(r)|delta_in(R)> is calculated. This is then used to create the mass overdensity as a function of R and r.
KS_showdown.py: Evaluates KS statistic on an ensemble of CMB realizations Compares different methods of template fitting for ISW map
SN_mode_filter.py: Uses covariance matrices for signal (s) and noise (n) with T=s+n model and a mask for selecting a data vector from a healpix map to find a rotation such that covariance matrices <s_iS_j>, <n_in_j> are diagonal Creates an ensemble of simulations from power spectra for s and n, extracts data vector from these, rotates into diagonal frame, squares and averages these to find (S+N)/N eigenvalues.
chisquare_test.py: Program to check that TC^-1T follows chi square distribution as expected
cosmography.py: calculate various distance measures in an expanding universe
gacf.py: functions to implement Gaussian Auto-Correlation Function as presented in ned.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/March02/White/White4.html
get_crosspower.py: load total, primordial, and late Cl power spectra and create cross power: C_l^tot = C_l^(prim,prim) + 2*C_l^(prim,late) + C_l^(late,late)
get_temps.py: Loads map and mask from fits files and coordinates from text files, measures temperatures of cluster and void stacks, and determines S/N ratio using random coordinates
gittesting.py: This file is just for testing git.
inversion_testing.py: Program to explore covariance matrix inversion
ispice.py: This program is not mine, but is included here because I use it. ispice defines tools to run Spice from Python, either in the Planck HFI DMC (aka piolib, objects managed by database) or using FITS files
legendre_test.py: to test accuracy of legendre transforms
legprodint.py: create the I_m,n factor that is the integral of a product of legendre polynomials: I_m,n(x) = \int_-1^x P_m(x')P_n(x')dx' Follows Appendix A (which has typos) of Copi et. al., 2009 Then modified for use in S_{1/2} as in Copi et. al., 2013
likelihood.py: Evaluate the CMB likelihood functions
make_Cmatrix.py: Program to create a covariance matrix for a given set of HEALpix pixels.
make_ISW_map.py: create a HEALpix spherical map containing an ISW map from one or more superclusters or supervoids Pixel values will be DeltaT/T * 2.726K
make_overmass.py: This program creates sets of ISW profiles following the formulation of Papai and Szapudi, 2010. (PS)
make_sims.py: to load simulated ISW maps and simulated CMB maps and add them
mask_check.py: Program to calculate amplitude of template on CMB using various masks
optSxJackknife.py: do Jackknife testing to check for stability of optimized x, S_x, P(x)
optimizeSx1.py: explore the presumed arbitrary cut off point for S_{1/2} by optimizing PTE(S_x) for random CMB realizations
optimizeSx2.py: explore the presumed arbitrary cut off point for S_{1/2} by optimizing PTE(S_x) for random CMB realizations
plot2Ddist.py: The plot2Ddist function plots the joint distribution of 2 variables, with estimated density contours and marginal histograms. Designed to plot parameter distributions for MCMC samples.
quadoctcorr.py: extract l=2,3 a_lm.s from SMICA to compare C(theta) against simulations
redshift_check.py: opens ISW profile files created for various redshifts and compares them. Looks for ratios and... ??
scaledlegs.py: show legendre polynomials * (2l+1) together
sim_stats.py: create simulated early and late CMB maps and analyze them for CMB anomalies
simple_Sonehalf.py: create simplistic CMB simulations and analyze S_{1/2} properties shows trend when increasing l_min Also plots C_2 and S_{1/2} together on 2d plot
surface3d_profiles.py: plotting ISW profiles as surfaces; functions of R and r
template.py: Just a template I used for quickly starting python files
template_fit.py: Program to calculate amplitude of template on CMB
template_fit_SN.py: Program to calculate amplitude of template on CMB using non-direct methods
template_fit_eig.py: Program to calculate amplitude of template on CMB using non-direct methods
Non-python program files:
- create S_x functions from input file
- create Pval(x) for each S_x using ensemble
- find global minimum for each Pval(x)
- -> can be used to create distribution S(xValMinima)
spice: the PolSPICE program