GIFeels is a mood tracker web app. It is built using Python-Flask, MySQL, Jinja, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and integrates 3 external APIs.
On the homepage, the user is invited to select the gif that best represents their mood. Once selected, they are offered a choice between an inspirational quote or joke to improve their mindset. They are given the option to save this.
If they select save, they will be invited to log in (or register). Once logged in, they can save their mood and joke/quote. They will then be invited to journal their thoughts for the day and save them. After saving, they will be shown their overview for the month, giving a summary of their emotions and letting them view entries for individual days.
flowchart LR
A[User]<--Collect data, show results-->B[Web Client - HTML, CSS, Jinja, Javascript & Ajax];
B[Web Client - HTML, CSS, Jinja, Javascript & Ajax]<--HTTP Request / Response in JSON / HTTP-->C[Server -API Endpoints with Python-Flask];
C[Server - API Endpoints with Python-Flask]<--CRUD Operations using SQLAlchemy-->D[(MySQL Database)];
C[Server - API Endpoints with Python-Flask]<--GET Request / Response-->E[External APIs - Giphy, Gemini, icanhazdadjoke, Zen Quotes];
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classDef cloud fill:#f0f0f0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
The project uses Flask-SQLAlchemy to manage interactions with the database and as an Object Relational Mapper. The mapped classes (corresponding to database tables) are outlined below:
a[LocalUser] {
int id PK
int user_id FK
string first_name
string family_name
string password
bool accept_tos
LocalUser ||--o{ User : is
b[AuthUser] {
int id PK
int user_id FK
int auth0_id
string name
bool accept_tos
AuthUser ||--o{ User : is
c[User] {
int id PK
string username
string email
d[Entries] {
int id PK
int user_id FK
Date entry_date
string emotion
string giphy_url
string giphy_url_gif
string choice
string content
string diary_entry
User ||--o{ Entries : makes
- A virtual environment on your IDE to install requirements from requirements.txt
- Install and activate Redis server:
System | Method |
MacOS | brew install redis brew services start redis |
Linux | sudo apt-get install lsb-release curl gpg curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/redis.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install redis |
Windows |
- MySQL Workbench for the database (or equivalent)
- A developer API key from the Giphy developers website
- Create an account with Google Cloud using their free trial and follow this guide to generate the correct credentials for using Oauth. The required app details are below:
Field | Value |
App Name | GIFeels |
Test users | your-email |
Allowed JavaScript origins: |, https://localhost:443, http://localhost:443 |
Allowed redirect URIs |, https://localhost:443/authorize/google, |
๐ก In a rush? Run the app without Google OAuth and skip step 3 in the set-up below. You will need to change on to, host='', port=5500)
. Please note certain endpoints related to OAuth will not function correctly.
- Create a new file at root level called .env. Copy and paste the template from template_env and add your GIPHY API key, Google Auth Client Id, Key and Domain, MySQL user and password where indicated. (Using .env will keep your personal information secure)
- Create and activate a virtual environment, then install all requirements from requirements.txt
- Set up an SSL certificate using the terminal commands below (providing information when prompted), and save these in the directory certs. Check these are correctly added to your .gitignore.
$ pip install pyopenssl
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem -days 365
- Navigate to MySQL Workbench or equivalent GUI and run the following command:
- Run the following commands on terminal to migrate the database using Flask-Migrate:
flask db upgrade
- Run to launch the app
You can run the app via an IDE, like Pycharm, or Docker. Please note: the front-end design has been optimised for Google Chrome Browser and for the best experience, we'd recommend using this.
By running in your IDE you will be able to launch (or if not using HTTPS) and go to the homepage of the app.
Ensure you have Docker installed on your device. You can follow this guide. Run compose.yml. This uses nginx to provide a reverse proxy to the app's container. The app will be accessible at
The app will guide you through choosing how you feel and offer a choice for a joke or a quote. It will then allow you to add a journal entry.
You are able to visit the pages without logging into the app, however this will not allow you to save entries or have an overview of the recorded entries.
You can login as one of the mock users created, or register your own user following the instructions on screen.
Mock user who is registered and has database entries from 01/05/2024 to 13/06/2024:
Username: JoDoe
Password: password123 -
Mock user who is registered only:
Username: LSmith
Password: hello123
We are currently working on taking this app to deployment on AWS.
This project was initially created on the Code First Girls CFGDegree with the below developers. @Rachel-Tookey and @Fabi-P forked off the initial repo and have continued development, implementing a modular code structure, ORMs with SQLalchemy, OAuth and interactive web elements with Javascript.