A C# RESTful API using the MVC pattern. This API allows you to make HTTP requests to perform CRUD operations on an SQL Database of Artists and Songs.
flowchart LR;
User<--HTTP Request/Response-->SongController;
User<--HTTP Request/Response-->ArtistController;
SongRepository<--CRUD Operations-->RecordShopDbContext;
ArtistRepository<--CRUD Operations-->RecordShopDbContext;
Method Name | Method Endpoint | HTTP Method | Example Input | Returns |
GetSongs() | "api/song" | Get | Takes optional parameters of song name, artist name and genre - | If no parameters used, returns all songs in the database. If parameters are provided, database songs are filtered against these. Fuzzy Sharp library is used for 70% match for song names and 80% for artist name to accommodate typos. |
AddSong(SongDTO songDTO) | "api/song" | Post | Post body: { "name" : "Hello", "artistId : 1, "description" : "meh", "releaseDate" : "2025-03-02" } |
Returns Created |
GetRandomSong() | "api/song/random" | Get | - | Returns a song from the database by random |
GetMatchingSongArtist(string search) | "api/song/homepage" | Get | Parameter: "bck to balck" |
Returns songs from the database with either a 60% song name match or 90% artist name match to the provided parameter |
DeleteSong(int id) | "api/song?id={id}" | Delete | Parameter: "1" |
Deletes song matching Id from the database. Returns No Content |
GetArtists() | "api/artist" | Get | - | Returns all artists |
AddArtist(Artist artist) | "api/artist" | Post | Post body: { "name" : "ACDC", "songs" : [] } |
Returns Created |
GetArtistById(int id) | "api/artist/" | Get | Param: "api/artist/2" | Returns Artist from database matching Id |
PutArtist(UpdateArtist artist) | "api/artist" | Put | Post body { "id" : "2", "name" : "Amy Jade Winehouse" } |
Updates Artist from database matching Id and returns OK |
DeleteArtist(int id) | "api/artist/" | Delete | Param: "api/artist/2" | Deletes Artist from database matching Id and returns NoContent |
- You will need an IDE for running C# .NET applications and SQL server installed
- Fork the repo and clone it onto your local machine
- Run Program.cs
- Test endpoints using Swagger or Postman
- Rate limiting
- Caching