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Memory Bank Controllers

The Gameboy has a limited spaced with his 16-bit address bus.
To overcome this limitation many Games are using Memory Bank Controllers (MBC).
A MBC allow to expand the available address space by bank switching.


Cartridge with no MBC or ROM only (i.e.: with a rom size <32Kib or <0x8000) are directly load into the Rom Address Space.
Optionally up to 8KiB of RAM could be connected at


MCB1 cartridges are limited to 2MByte ROM and/or 32 KiB RAM

Architecture of MBC1

Name Lower Bound Upper Bound Description Mode
ROM Bank 0 0x0000 0x3FFF contain the first 16 KiB of Cartridge ROM Read Only
ROM Bank n 0x4000 0x7FFF Contain the 16 KiB of the Cartridge ROM Bank n Read Only
RAM Bank n 0xA000 0xBFFF Contain the Cartridge RAM Bank n Read / Write

Enable RAM

Before reading or writting to the external RAM, the game must enable it before (to prevent loose of data on expected shutdown).

To enable the RAM the game MUST write 0x0A in the range of 0x0000-0x1FFF, to disable he MUST write 0x00 in the same range

Change ROM Bank Number

To change the selected ROM Bank the game must write a byte in the range of 0x2000-0x3FFF.

The bank number can be in the range 0x01-0x1F so only the first 5-bits are taken in account.

The game write 0xE1 into 0x2000, 0xE1 = 0b1110_0001.
We kept the first 5 bits : n = (0xE1 & 0x1F) = 0x1, so the bank 1 is selected

when the game need to use a bank number > 0x1f see banking mode

Warning on special value

When 0 is written, the MBC tranaltes that value to 1

A bank the first 5 bit set to 0 cannot be selected

Value Mapped
0x00 0x01
0x20 0x21
0x40 0x41
0x60 0x61

Special 2-bit register

When writing in the range of 0x4000-0x5FFF set a 2-bit register that will be used for the banking mode

Change Banking Mode

MBC1 have 2 banking modes: ROM and RAM. These modes determine how the secondary 2-bit register is used.

You can change the mode by writing in the range of 0x6000-0x7FFF the following value:

  • 0x00 to enable ROM mode
  • 0x01 to enable RAM mode
Rom Mode

When ROM mode is enable, the ROM bank n is the concatenation of the special 2-bit register and the 5-bit rom number register

Ram Mode

When RAM mode is enable, the RAM bank number is the value of the special 2-bit register


MBC2 cartridges are limited to 256 KiB of ROM and 512x4 bits (not byte) of RAM

Architecture of MBC2

Name Lower Bound Upper Bound Description Mode
ROM Bank 0 0x0000 0x3FFF Contains the first 16 KiB of the ROM Read Only
ROM Bank n 0x40000 0x7FFF Contains the 16 KiB of the Cartridge Bank n Read Only
Ram 0xA000 0xA1FF Contains the RAM builtin the controller Read / Write
Echo Ram 0xA200 0xBFFF Echoe of the RAM 0xA000-0xA1FF Read / Write
  • For the ROM Bank n: The controller come with a builtin RAM of 512x4 bits so only the bottom 4bits SHOULD be used of the Byte
  • For the ERAM: only the bottom 9 bits of the address is used so it wrappe around in the range 0xA200-0xBFFF

Registers of MBC2

MBC2 have registers to:

Both registers can be modified by writing in the range 0x0000-0x3FFF while respecting a specific condition for each register (mostly when the bit 8 in on/off in the address)

Enable the RAM of MBC2

When the address have his 8th bit off ((addr & 0x100) == 0), the value written can enable/disable the ram

BY Default the RAM is disabled.

If the value written is 0x0A then it enable the RAM otherwise it disable the RAM.

Example of valid address:

  • 0x0000-0x00FF
  • 0x0200-0x02FF
  • 0x0400-0x04FF
  • 0x3E00-0x3EFF

Select the ROM bank of MBC2

When the address have his 8th bit on ((addr & 0x100) == 1), the value that is written control the selected ROM Bank at 0x4000-0x7FFF

BY Default The ROM bank is 1

Only the lower 4 bits are taken into account (max rom are 16). when the value is 0 default to 1


MBC3 cartridges are limited to 2MiB of ROM and 32KiB of RAM

Architecture of MBC3

Name Lower Bound Upper Bound Description Mode
ROM Bank 0 0x0000 0x3FFF Contains the first 16 KiB of the ROM Read Only
ROM Bank n 0x40000 0x7FFF Contains the 16 KiB of the Cartridge Bank n Read Only
Ram Bank or RTC 0xA000 0xBFFF Contains the RAM bank n or the register of the RTC Read / Write

Registers of MBC3

MBC3 have the following register:

Real Time Clock register

The MBC3 has an internal clock that can be read by latching the clock data and Selecting the RTC mode

The RTC have the following register with their corresponding index value for selection

Name Range Id Description
Seconds 0-59 0x08
Minutes 0-59 0x09
Hours 0-23 0x0A
Day Couter (DC) Lower 0-255 0x0B The lower 8 bits of the Day Counter
DC Upper, Halt, Carry 0x0C bit 0 => 9th bit of the Day Counter,
bit 6 => Halt,
bit 7 => Day Counter Carry Bit

RAM and Timer enabling

Writing a value of 0x0A into the area 0x0000-0x1FFF will enable the RAM / TIMER registers mapping into 0xA000-0xBFFF

Select the Rom Bank Number of MBC3

When writting into the area 0x2000-0x3FFF, the 7th first bits of the value will indicated the ROM Bank Number.

When writting the value 0 it'll default to bank number 1.

Example: 0xC5 (0b1100_0101) => 0x45 (0b0100_0101)

Ram Bank Number or RTC register Selection

Writting specific value into the area 0x4000-0x5FFF allow the select:

  • The RAM Bank Number when the value is 0x00-0x03 and map it to 0xA000-0xBFFF
  • The RTC register when the value is 0x08-0x0C and map it to 0xA000-0xBFFF

    typically the adress 0xA000 is used the map the register value

Latch Clock Data

When writing the sequence 0x00 -> 0x01 in the area 0x6000-0x7FFF will update the RTC register from the internal clock of the cartridge.

This set the register to represente the current time of the internal clock, a syncronisation between the register and the clock


MBC5 are limited to 8MiB of ROM and 128 KiB of RAM

Architecture of MBC5

Name Lower Bound Upper Bound Description Mode
ROM Bank 0 0x0000 0x3FFF Contains the first 16 KiB of the ROM Read Only
ROM Bank n 0x40000 0x7FFF Contains the 16 KiB of the Cartridge Bank n Read Only
Ram Bank n 0xA000 0xBFFF Contains the Ram Bank n of the Cartridge Read / Write

Registers of MBC5

MBC5 have the following register:

Ram enabling

To enable the ram for read/write operation, you need to write the value 0x0A into the area of 0x0000-0x1FFF. You can disable the ram by writing 0x00

Apperently only the 4th least significant bits are use the enable or not the RAM, so writing 0x1A will enable it

Selecting the Rom Bank of MBC5

To selected the Rom bank number, you've 2 area were to write for selecting the ROM bank number since his value can be contain in a 9-bits wide number (max value is 0x1FF)

Writting to the area 0x2000-0x2FFF allow to set the first 8th bits of the bank number Writting to the area 0x3000-0x3FFF allow to set the 9th bits of the bank number

As opposed as the previous MBCs setting the value 0 will not default to 1 but effectively select the ROM bank 0

Selecting the RAM bank of MBC5

To select the RAM bank number, write the value from the range 0x00-0x0F into the area 0x4000-0x5FFF
