A repository to show working for hands of practical and use of GitHub pages
Real DeviLs are organizing an online webinar to show use of Jekyll and some web development Push Up for new members
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m"description"
- git remote add origin
- git push
- https://jekyll-themes.com/developr/
- https://jekyll-themes.com/massively/
- https://github.com/stackbithq/stackbit-theme-exto
- https://github.com/snipcart/stackbit-theme-planty
- https://github.com/arkadianriver/spectral
- https://jamstackthemes.dev/demo/theme/jekyll-sleek-blog/
- https://jamstackthemes.dev/demo/theme/agency-jekyll-theme/
1 and enter
3 and enter
gem install jekyll
- jekyll new
- bundle exec jekyll serve
- bundle init
- bundle add jekyll