45 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- removed system packages: false by @RemDelaporteMathurin in #265
- Add palladium alloys by @natethegreatINL in #264
- CI checks for unused variables by @RemDelaporteMathurin in #270
- Schober/Qi diffusivities for V, Nb and Ta by @RemDelaporteMathurin in #267
- New mo data by @paulbrrn in #273
- Shimada tungsten permeability 2019 by @RemDelaporteMathurin in #274
- added permeabilities of alpha-iron by @RemDelaporteMathurin in #275
- Added sherman diffusivities by @RemDelaporteMathurin in #276
- Original units for W solubility Frauenfelder by @RemDelaporteMathurin in #280
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.14...v0.14.1